Sitemap - 2023 - Gary Sharpe's Articles
The Fawning and Appeasement Survival Responses
Fascia, Micro-Movements, and Hydration
The Remarkable Comeback: Rediscovering Her Right Hand - A Parkinson's Victory Story
My Experience with the Body Braid System
Are We No Longer Just Consumers, but the Consumed?
Why the News is Terrible for Our Health
Stress Stiffens Our Fascia [Connective Tissues] and Impacts on Pain and Mobility
Over-activation of the Dopamine-Adrenaline Cycle
Dopamine Deficiency and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Decline in Public and Scientific Discourse
Emotions, Motions, Body Budgets, and Body Memories
Fibromyalgia as a Dopamine Deficiency Condition
Overcoming Numbing Due to Fight, Flight, or Freeze as a Defence Against Feeling the Body in Therapy
Symptoms of Stress <-> Symptoms of Chronic Illness
Animals in Their Freeze Instincts
Unlock the Secret to Natural Healing for chronic Disease! Interview: Prediction as a Cause
Medicalized Meddling with Neurotransmitters Leaves Us in a Big Mess
Personality Types, Traits, Tests and Chronic Illness
A Vital Role of Fascia in Health and Wellbeing
Digital Autonomy & The Arts: Part 2
PTSD, Parkinson's and Body Memories
Book Review: "Feel Better in 5: Your Daily Plan to Feel Great for Life"
Adverse Experiences, Stressful Episodes and Chronic Diseases
How the Predicting Brain Changes Itself
My Journey with Childhood Trauma and Chronic Illness
The Antidote to Suffering in the Modern World
My Healing Journey - a practical antidote to modern world - connections and slow living
The Antidote to Suffering in the Modern World
The Wisdom in Giving Up On Unrewarding Sunk Costs
The Dying of the Healthcare System in the UK
Exploring the Mind-Body Connection with the "Movement Monk"
Out-thinking the Culture Wars with Gary Sharpe
In Conversation with an Independent Guerrilla IT Technician
The Flight Instinct and Chronic Diseases - Part 2: Modern Working Life
Red Light and Infrared Therapies for Physical Healing. Part 2: How it Works and Other Insights
The View From a Self-Traumatizing Society
The Modern Workplace as a Source of Stress, Symptoms, and Suffering
Opting Out of the Oncoming Dystopia
The Nervous System in the Classroom
Physical Symptoms as External Signs of Inner Stress
Chronic Stress/Fear Increases Susceptibility to Potentially Lethal Infections
Connections Between the Behavioural Immune System and Dissociation
Overcoming the Institutionalized Fear Mongering
The Insidious Impacts of Institutionalized Fear Mongering
Respiratory Profiling: A Window into the Nervous System
Epistemic Injustice in "Evidence Based" Medicine
A Natural Law Based, Simple, Elegant Framework for Discernment
Systemic Personal Boundary Violations
How Chronic Stress Feeds Suffering by Eating Up Our Dopamine
Personal Boundaries and Their Violations
What the Medical Authorities Told Us vs What They Actually Knew
What Fascia Decompression and "Block Therapy" Did For Me
The Role of Placebo and Nocebo in Symptoms and Suffering
Control the Abundance, Control the World
The Dopamine-Adrenaline Connection
Why I Won't Take Health Advice from Politicians
Recommended Reads: New Writers
The Cumulative Impacts Mode of Suffering in the Modern World
The Connections Between Stress and Suffering
Teaching Kids Psychological, Brain and Nervous System Fitness
Why Our Sense of the Beauty in the Truth Should be Our Guiding Light
Book Review: "Restoring Prana: A Therapeutic Guide to Pranayama and Healing Through the Breath..."
My Thoughts on the World Economic Forum
Why the Need to Control Other People is a Self-Defeating Behaviour
Connections Between Career Choices and Trauma Survival Styles
Links Between the Gut Microbiome and Chronic Stress