
Cumulative Impacts: The Movie

My Words with Visceral Adventure's Sound and Vision


has taken the words of my “The Cumulative Impacts Mode of Suffering in the Modern World” article,

Gary Sharpe's Articles
The Cumulative Impacts Mode of Suffering in the Modern World
Illustrated by a semi-autobiographical example. A stress filled life. A fear fuelled existence. An addiction to adrenaline. Anxious thoughts, going round and round. The tightening of shoulders. Constrictions around the neck. Body-mind signals being mangled. Panic on the ascendant. Stomach muscles cramp. The gut upset. The bowels also burn, irritated…
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and added video and audio to them, to create the amazing and cool film above.

After you’ve watched that one, take a look and listen at some of these other brilliant and powerful videos by


Visceral Adventure
The Sound of Silenced Science
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Visceral Adventure
Future Generations If There Are Future Generations
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