Why I Won't Take Health Advice from Politicians
Where the Real Medical Misinformation and Disinformation Comes From
This is based on two articles I wrote about a year ago. I think these thoughts are still very pertinent now, given how the pandemic policies of various countries have played out, and how the “unintended”, but definitely not unforeseen nor unpredicted, consequences of these have become more apparent.
Consequences including all the excess deaths, especially in the younger age groups, the unusual outbreaks of other illnesses (RSV, Scarlet Fever, Hepatitis, etc.) in children, the devasting impacts on the mental health of teenagers, the delayed development, and educational disadvantages, of kids, which will reverberate down the years, for the rest of their lives. The broken economy (I refuse it to call it the “cost of living crisis”, because this is purposeful misdirection which neatly absolves the politicians who actually directly caused it through their choice of pandemic policies), and the disrupted supply lines. The undermining of human and civil rights.
The main over-arching theme here is that politicians are paid and elected to make consequential decisions and to take responsibility and be accountable for those decisions, and for the advice they give to their citizens. However, our current crop are taking the payment, as well as perhaps bribes of one sort or another, yet abrogating all responsibility and accountability for the consequence of their policies and their advice, and for their failures in their duty of care.
Who Are Politicians to Talk About Health?
[During the pandemic] I've been appalled by how some politicians have been weaponizing compassion and a sense of moral duty in order to try to shame people in to complying with one-size-fits-all governmental solutions. I am thinking to myself
“who the heck are these people to be giving advice, and sitting in judgement, on matters of morality, personal responsibility, social duty, and, especially, health?”.
Perhaps this is because, as a sweeping generalization, I see our modern day politicians as some of the most corrupt, amoral or immoral, socially irresponsible, and particularly, unhealthy, people on the planet. As such, as a class, politicians are amongst the very last people who I would ever seek or take advice from on matters of health, wellness or living a good life.
I do still have a lot of compassion for individual politicians, because I can see amongst them some of the most chronically stressed, traumatized, dissociated and disembodied people in our society. The fact that our politicians notoriously can't dance is a sure sign of their levels of dissociation and disembodiment, or left brain hemisphere overactivation! It is also clear in the way they behave like broken children, rather than as mature, well-balanced adults.
I can also see that politics is itself self-selecting, and amplifying, of certain developmental trauma survival styles and personality types, Laurence Heller's "Trust" survival style in particular, and so I don't want to dehumanize individual politicians.
Yet, the phrase "people who live in glasses houses, shouldn't throw stones" comes to mind.
To my mind, therefore, most politicians [and many other people too who are playing along with the them], are in no position to give advice, call out or sit in judgement of more healthy people who work at having optimal immune function, but who have decided that the risks of the governmental one-size-fits-all solutions outweigh the benefits for them.
This is especially true of those politicians who are not only clearly chronically self-stressing people themselves, and hence have weak immune systems, and therefore are a risk to others in a pandemic situation, but who are also actively engaged in causing psychological stress to their citizens, by which they are significantly and negatively impacting the immune function of others too (chronic fear and chronic stress disrupts immune function massively).
Another reason I won’t take health advice from politicians is because it is clear where they get their information and advice from, and who is whispering in their ear. It is from the most powerful lobbyists in the world: the Big Pharma and Big Food industries, and from scientists, doctors and academics who are in their thrall, with vested and very conflicted interests.
Patient advocacy groups, alternative perspectives, and people who know how to stay healthy and well, don’t get a look in, aren’t consulted and are unheard. The health information that politicians are working from, and basing their advice and mandates on, is therefore grossly distorted and incomplete.
The Misinformation and Disinformation Game
What is particularly galling about the governmental pandemic responses, is that they have not only failed to listen to a wide variety of views and perspectives, and have not invited broad ranging discussions, but they have actively suppressed and silenced any voices that disagree with or dissent from their policies.
How far and deep this goes, has been revealed by the twitter files in the US, and the revelation of several units embedded in the British Government, including a Psy Ops unit of the Army, that have been spying and reporting on its own citizens who gainsay the Government’s pandemic policies.
In particular, they are labelling (name-calling) anything which goes disagrees or dissents from their policies as “misinformation”, “disinformation”, or even “malinformation”. This is a childish game, but the purpose of it is clear: not only to shield themselves against having to take responsibility, or being accountable for, the consequences of their decisions, advice, and policies, but also to prevent those consequences coming to light in the first place.
So here is my message to the politicians:
To my mind, disinformation and misinformation does not include:
the scrutiny of your story;
the questioning of your assumptions;
the undermining of your argument;
a difference in expert opinion;
a re-analysis and re-interpretation of the data;
the gainsaying of your goals and motives;
a different way of knowing;
having access to information you don't have;
being better informed and educated;
push back;
a refusal to conform to doctrine and dogma.
So I don't believe that you can legitimately avoid:
having the argument;
rigorous discussions and proper debates;
the subjection of your ideas to proper scrutiny;
taking responsibility and being accountable,
simply by name-calling and crying "disinformation!" and "misinformation!".
I think this is especially true and particularly the case if you are an elected politician, paid for by the public.
A most excellent post Gary.
I appreciate the concept and psychological maladies, your normal work brings to light...I certainly have learned quite a bit, but I appreciate you calling an abuser...an abuser...no matter what is behind the formation of that behavior/choice model.
I will say we bear some of the blame (I know this was not the focus of the post), in that we ceded our responsibility, to these abusers. Yes we did it foolishly, based on a promise...but we failed to be critical, sovereign, and responsible free citizen. Instead, we pledged fealty to the polar parties of choice and their representatives.
I was going to take issue with your use of "their citizens" when referring to the politicians...but you are correct...we collectively knelt and kissed the rings over the centuries...we became willing subjects, so you were quite accurate.
Thank you for this piece. I hope it stirs those who have been asleep or gives them a different perspective to ponder.
I concur wholeheartedly. And looking forward to reading the linked articles.
Another perspective is politicians were never elected or entitled to, make decisions about how we run our own independent lives, let alone our most important medical decisions.
They are selected to stand on the walls and watchtowers of society, not rule over the citizens on one side of that wall as serfs.
Where the idea that government, let alone politicians", would be our mentors, role models, sage advisors or (to some) a savior, is a mystery to me.
Having known and met several politicians over the years, most are average at best, and borderline psychopaths after several years of "public-private partnerships". But even those deserve some compassion as damaged humans.