Sitemap - 2022 - Gary Sharpe's Articles
Book Review: "The Brain's Way of Healing: Stories of Remarkable Recoveries"
The Inability to Apprehend and Comprehend
"Do Not Steal": A Guiding Axiom
Survival Instincts in the Modern World
Book Review: "Grounded: Discovering the Missing Piece in the Puzzle of Children's Behaviour"
The Fawning and Appeasement Survival Responses
A Few Words to Help the Healing
The Ears as a Portal into the Nervous System
Are We No Longer Just Consumers, but the Consumed?
Primitive Reflexes and Their Role in Chronic Pain and Muscle Tension Issues
Book Review: "Fascia: What it is and Why it Matters" 2nd Edition
Do the Sums Add Up to Net-Zero?
Why the News is Terrible for Our Health
The Divided Brain and The Asymmetric Body
Book Review: "Breath; The New Science of a Lost Art"
Decline in Public and Scientific Discourse
The Mind-Body-Interpersonal/Relational Connections in Sickness and in Health
The Mundane, Mystery, and Metamorphosis
In Conversation with a Bioenergetics Therapist
The Role of Disappointment in Chronic Illness and Modern Society
The Noticing of the Changing of the Light
How to Avoid a Hybrid Orwellian-Huxleyian Dystopia
Book Review: "Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence"
Personality Types, Traits, Tests and Chronic Illness
Overcoming Division, Disdain, Despite and Defensiveness
Book Review: "When the Body Says No: The Cost of Hidden Stress"
Lessons Learned on a Journey into the Autonomic Nervous System
Adverse Experiences, Stressful Episodes and Chronic Diseases
Trauma at the Institutional Level
How Other People's Physiology Affects Our Emotions and Internal States
Book Review: "Rebirth At 50. In the end it was not The End"