Wonderful article! I met with Dr Farris in November of 2015 and I did his exercises as directed. By February my dystonia had abated and my balance was so improved that it was doubtful that I had PD.

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Fascinating. Thank you for boosting this knowledge, Gary.

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Nov 17, 2022·edited Nov 17, 2022Liked by Gary Sharpe

Very interesting, Gary. I had a skirt through and will read in more depth later.

I've often found myself dissatisfied with Reich's basic notion of muscular armouring being the core issue. It seemed clear to me, when working with people for years, that the more extreme cases had muscles that had been evacuated rather than armoured. Their nervous system had literally "disowned" areas of fascia, rather like an animal playing dead to avoid predation.

Great article. Thank you.

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