"So, by talking about these issues in a fearful way, without providing the solutions oriented part, nor shining a light at the end tunnel, we may be just playing into their hands, and hence making it more likely these things become self-fulfilling prophecies."

Well put. To your armory, I would add faith in God as the best defense. But that doesn’t mean other tools might not come in handy in a given situation.

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Actually this is tricky, because we need some fear. The point is that we each have a narrow - and different - window of tolerance and reaction.

- Not enough fear and we do nothing.

- Too much fear and we collapse in helplessness.

Gary suggests rightly that:

- our personal healing processes increase our window of tolerance.

- cooperation increases our inner strength.

So fear mongering is inadequate when it is used to prevent cooperation and control. It will be used to favour part of the population, because our institutions are too big and lack personal bonds.

Look at what happens in therapy, when we feel that we receive an adequate support! That's what people used to live daily in their indigenous group: safety within the group, even if life was still full of threats.

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It's impossible in a world wide group without giving up power. Politics means "decisions taken in groups" so the size of the group counts.

Nobody is puzzled by the huge cultural differences still seen in the remaining indigenous groups? Beliefs and coping mechanisms are hugely different, adapted to local circumstances.

It's also useful, in order to feel more powerful about what we can do, to look at our own responsibility, because we do have been making profit of the situation with a personal life style that participates in the ecological Overshoot day. Each country has a different level of impact on the planet's ressources.

Yes we can feel that us doing it differently merely benefits those who don't change, but at least we do our part without waiting for others to start first.

(I called this "the empty dance floor syndrom!)

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Funny you should bring that up today because yesterday, I was trying to catch up on su stacks and had a few cued up to listen to while I made food for the kids and did some chores in my kitchen and right when you got to the part about the government issued emergency alarms people were getting on their phones, a fight amongst all my children ensued and the thought crossed my mind that it’s possible that they were triggered by the words even though the voice was the Substack AI generated voice without any emoting.

I actually need to go back and finish that article. I wonder if fear might turn out more responsible for chronic issues than dietary choices.

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Wow! That is an interesting anecdote illustrating the point, especially the impacts on children.

"I wonder if fear might turn out more responsible for chronic issues than dietary choices." - indeed, I believe that eating while stressed can negate the benefits of healthy diet... I once wrote an article making the case that how, when and where we eat is maybe as important as what we eat https://www.outthinkingparkinsons.com/articles/eating-habits?rq=rangan

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Interesting, Gary. It’s funny you’ve looked at the relationship of food to self in that way because of PD. I’ve put the podcast you mention in the article in my cue. I’ve heard of the concept before in Charles Eisenstein’s “The Yoga of Eating: Transcending Diets and Dogma to Nourish the Natural Self”, but I’ve had a hard time putting that into practice. A busy mom often just eats the kids’ left overs on the go, while trying to dress the toddler on the way out to the car... I, unfortunately, have also passed the habit on to my kids and they eat fast, usually while doing something else. We only do one day a week where we’re all able to be together at a meal, but I can see the importance of trying to institute that more regularly.

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I very much agree that staying in fear is exactly what the nasties - the Global Predators - want. I've long been allergic to people who just report on nasty stuff without looking at what helps - including just paying attention to living well inside ourselves while paying attention and being open to inspiration, especially from within. By the way, everyone reading this: June 12-23, I'm having a Truth Summit, where the focus is exactly that. 20 Truth Tellers who have long focussed on various difficult truths and who are at the same time focussing on what we can do.

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Fair enough to accept Nick's critique. But are we responsible for solving other people's problems? I mean, seriously, if some people read about the dark agenda but cannot figure out how to 1) acknowledge their fear, 2) remain calm, and 3) work through it and create their own existence in the face of this evil, are they going to actually follow our suggestions anyway?

Besides that, you had ONE article with no solutions. I would hardly call that representative of your body of work!

Not everyone is going to be equipped to stay sane under the kind of duress being foisted upon humanity these days. That is as clear as the Riedel crystal glass I'll be sipping wine from later tonight. Those of us who are prepared will serve as roles models (or therapists) for those who need assistance. But still, we cannot help them if they continue looking to the wayward wizards for answers.

Best wishes to you, Gary, and keep writing excellent articles!

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If things really do get that crazy it's best to keep your distance. Preppers were called kooks maybe ten, twenty years back. Not so much anymore. They were just way ahead of the crowd. Now everyone wants to learn how to survive away from the madding crowds. Maybe they'll accept a crash course. Some will be forced to learn quick or accept the "alternative." I still think we're going to see some surprises that are being hinted at by alternative media. The Salvation option may not exactly match what people had in mind though.

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"The Salvation option may not exactly match what people had in mind though."

Indeed, especially all the New (c)Agers talking about "ascension."🙄

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Yes, exactly, that's one. I didn't specify because there are so many Salvation programs running right now to counter the negativity of unfolding events whether planned or written into the cycle of life itself. There's something for everyone to latch onto.

We have messianic characters always waiting in the wings ready to drop in "any time now" and whisk us away to the promised land of milk and honey.

We have tech messiahs like Elon Musk and the tech itself in the form of renewables and EVs which will cleanse the world of evil fossil fuels and deadly CO2. All are welcome in the cult - a reinvention of Gaia worship to get back to our pagan roots.

We recently witnessed how powerful the cult of modern medicine can be wielding their magical injections over everyone's heads with immense ritualistic symbolism.

Transhumanism also promises to alleviate our human-centric issues by transcending the human condition altogether! Would posthumans look back and say they'd been "saved" from their miserable humanity?

And of course, patriotic religious nationalists will save us all from communism... again.

And round and round it goes.

The UFO crowd are anxiously awaiting their alien intervention event... again, always "any time now."

I personally don't think any of these salvation options will actually save us from our obvious (in my mind) delusional state of affairs. Whatever happens over the next few years we'll still be as kooky as we ever were. The human species needs therapy.

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Indeed, so very many "savior" programs.

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About 40 years ago in the first week of a new management job I went to my boss. After he'd finished writing, he looked up and when I said 'I've got a problem' - he said ' I don't hire people to bring me problems - I hire them to bring me answers' and went back to writing.

Reading Gary's long and thoughtful piece this event came back to me. As I suggested towards the end of my earlier comment pretty well everyone reading this side of the argument knows there are huge problems - so why put so much energy into fulminating about them?

What we need are some answers - or at least some thought about what the answers might be. We want things to change - crudely we want to reduce (or at least control) the power of the rich and powerful and increase the power (and resources) of the many. BUT HOW? That seems to me the biggest issue of our times.

I have many friends with brilliant ideas about how to restructure capitalism to make it fairer, more sustainable - but none of them have put forward any plans as to how they might be implemented.

David Runciman at the end of his excellent review of Financial Times leading journalist Martin Wolf's new book The Crisis of Democratic Capitalism makes exactly this point.

"But Wolf has nothing to say about the sequence in which the fixes he proposes should be tried. He has nothing to say about possible short cuts and how we might trick ourselves into trying something new. Instead he tends to fall back on the injunction to be better people.

[quote from the book] Members of a functioning elite, which includes the business elite, need wisdom as well as knowledge. Above all, they need to feel responsible for the welfare of the republic and its citizens. Indeed, if they are to be citizens at all, members of the elite must be exemplars. It is not hard: instead of lies, honesty; instead of greed, restraint; instead of fear and hatred, appeals to what Abraham Lincoln called ‘the better angels of our nature’. [end quote]

As a result, this book leaves you feeling that what’s needed is a miracle. "


Thomas Picketty makes the telling point that historically the rich and powerful only every give up some of their power after huge crises - most notably the Second World War - but that once the crisis is passed they take all the power back again as we have seen since the late 1970's.

So a miracle may be what we need. But spending hours and hours listing and reading about all the terrible things that we believe are going on is not helping - not so far as I can see.

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So a miracle may be what we need. But spending hours and hours listing and reading about all the terrible things that we believe are going on is not helping - not so far as I can see.

Thankyou 🙏

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Traumatic events in a person’s life don’t automatically create a traumatized person. Trauma is what happens when an organism is not conditioned to meet these events in a way that dissipates a painful experience. When the world in which they live is fast and furious, stressful and antagonistic, even the most well-put together person can be overwhelmed and overtaken by trauma. And when this has been the norm for generation after generation for thousands of years, we’re basically left with all of us being basket cases. When we’re all walking-wounded, our bodies, our nervous systems, know the score. But we think that we’re all mostly normal.

“...the most important point in their conversation here is that specific forms of therapies can greatly reduce our susceptibility to being exploitable through fear.” Seeing a therapist with the aim of having personal transformative breakthroughs and being able to step outside of one’s conditioning is part of the greater project to individuate.

Doing the inner work is the key. Without understanding all the ways our humanity has been violated in this world would be to be blind to the ways human consciousness is cabined, cribbed, and confined by its control systems.

But this can be a piecemeal approach. Our society is hugely individualistic, and integrating our shadow aspects is for the most part considered a personal process. If you want help, you can pay for it by seeing a therapist. It takes time and a broader social commitment to produce conscious men and women, if we’re ever going to be “able to feel into the true depth of safety in numbers we actually have.” Regrettably, there’s no safety in numbers when so many around us are captured and conditioned by the control system in the form of mass psychosis, people who would not even know they could choose to unclutter their fearful minds. It’s much easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.

Conscious individuals use any number of approaches which may include various therapies, journaling, meditation, somatic practices (like yoga), self-reflection and solitude, participating in men’s/women’s groups, working with plant medicines, etc, in order to cultivate self-compassion and radical authenticity, and to break free of their chains—cold steel on flesh is eminently obvious but men are unaware of the inner chains they carry, all the while bearing the illusion that they are free.

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Really appreciating your deeper insights. Not sure if there is anything I can add to this. I am hopeful that I am seeing more and more people waking up to this and doing the work. A good working definition of trauma for me is Bonnie Badenoch's:


“In addition to being an embodied experience, trauma is also a relational experience in that the embedding of trauma may arise not primarily from the nature of events, but from who is with us before, during, and after the overwhelming happening (or non-happening in the case of neglect).”

"Lack of support in the midst of wounding seems central to the movement from potential trauma to embedded trauma… integration, safety, and the central importance of implicit memory repair within relationship… actually arise from a single river of what it is to be a human being—fragile, tender, easily frightened, body and mind inseparable, resilient, adaptive, and forever interdependent."

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I so appreciate your work here. If the outward breakdown is representative of an entire construct, conscious filled ‘life’ re amalgamating at a higher frequency, then the tune we sing counts. It helps. It really does. We are collective consciousness and this collapse is to serve the limitation in freeing many from egoic identity.

But it does die, before it is revealed fresh as life eternal.

So it’s an inner listening. An inner tenderness that vibrates through the fear. This is our inward calling.

The threatened ego seeks to solidify in all sorts of methodology. One being ‘information seeking’. It’s premise, if we know it ALL we will be safe, or safer, or have control. The terrifying truth is there is very limited control. And so focussing energies into areas unmalleable, is not going to serve. We are triggering each other left, right and centre. We as one host dividing itself into a trillion concepts and picking up the counter narrative that we are at risk of great peril. We ARE the peril we quake at. Projected externally. Who at present identifies the narcissist in us,the victim in us, the liar in us, the aggressor in us, the violent in us, the predator in us? How are we to ‘kill’ it out there when it continues to foster IN HERE. We all survive Armageddon but die of starvation cos we couldn’t get along 😂

It’s truly a backward world.

With Love ❤️

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May 2, 2023
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Thankyou Dear Hannah. Sometimes it floods out. It’s such a dynamic energy. This conscious god

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Interesting take. There's always the chance that Nick's advise will have the effect of a double bluff. TPTB want everyone to stop spreading, "disinformation". This is clearly the aim of the UN, among others. In my humble opinion this means that the cynics and sceptics are right over the target. We all experienced & witnessed the censorship campaigns during the covid era. One way to curtail the, "disinformants" would be to convince them that they are counterproductively feeding the beast by promulgating FEAR. And therein lies the double bluff. I'm not at all suggesting this was Nick's intent. How much did the dissent of significant numbers of people bring about the end of the covid narrative? We may never know, but I'd bet it was not insignificant and now the tide is shifting on climate crisis. To give an analogy: The watchdogs have barked and raised the alarms, now the herd and shepherds are alert to potential danger. How they avert that danger is where we're at right now. It's time to collaborate and develop solutions and your article is timed perfectly as a catalyst. I don't think we should be too hard on ourselves, the resistance is evolving naturally which is excellent news.

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Yeah, there's a lot of burn out from following the bad news.

For some, this practice works well. Face the fear, by listening to it. Accept it to be possible, do not dismiss it. And then it fades away, but not forgotten.


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Interesting article and suggestion!

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Am I the only person who has noticed the shift here? Y’all need to buck up, because it ain’t over yet. Allow me to raise your perspective to the reality we now have a front row seat to.

These ppl declared war on God, like the God. If it’s not obvious he’s the real deal by now, youre being willfully ignorant. Free will means Gods divine claim of authority can be challenged by his creations. How many times over has he proven himself as righteous, true, and worthy of his seat?

Seriously how many men, fallen, mythical creatures, and beasts have challenged him for his seat at this point in time and failed? ALL OF THEM! Like scoreboard guys?

The title King of Kings and Lord of Lords is incredibly modest if we consider things from a numbers standpoint. He’s the best that ever was, is, or will be. What else are you supposed to do in the presence of a king that great but bow down and worship? Hero worship is the only logical response to who he is.

My money is all in on #teamjesus.

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My new role looking after the olds (including an 18 year old dog) has certainly helped change my perspective on current affairs. In a way, it's helped me begin the process of detaching from the addictive, never-ending social media news feed and even Substack email alerts.

Getting out in the garden more, actually getting back to physical locations and local stores and chatting to people instead of having everything delivered has helped restore some of that almost ancient timeless feeling I used to have growing up in small-town England.

I don't talk about any of the things I come across online with the people I meet. As far I'm concerned, everything is as it should be. If things kick off again in a major way, I will be ready to inform people even better than last time. Thing is, I think it'll have as much effect as last time. Maybe a few more takers, but I can sense the panic rising again if the globalists manage to switch things up sufficiently so that an entirely new response throws the masses off yet again.

Obviously, I don't believe that ignorance is bliss, but animals mostly have a better time than humans because they quite naturally live in the moment. They can sense when something's wrong. An old dog knows that he's dying, but they haven't had their heads filled with a million and one scary stories of what will happen. They struggle for while and then it's over.

Humans on the other hand will live whole lifetimes of anxiety and worry and panic about all manner of upcoming situations that are usually survivable.

We should learn to be more like cats. Have you seen how quickly they go back to their usual routine after a stressful event?

We need to learn to take things in our stride, trust a little more in fate, and let go.

Some say it's all in God's hands, whatever will be will be. Others want to control every aspect of their lives down to the tiniest detail. Guess which group tends to have less stress, worry and sickness?

That doesn't mean we can't act, but action can be performed from a position of balance, grace and even beauty as expressed in some martial arts.

Don't get caught up in the howling winds. Be the eye of the hurricane.

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May 2, 2023
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And like any great warrior monk (or nun) we must see the threat, meditate on the options, and execute the best possible response all while maintaining perfect poise, dynamic equilibrium in motion... just like in the movies!

I mean... it beats running around like a headless chicken with its feathers on fire in my humble opinion.

Just take everything that comes in your stride as if you were born to deal with it... which of course you were, but sometimes the sickness of modernity smothers our true form leading to the false impression that we can't cope with life's twists and turns... we can.

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