"Indeed, vocally opposing, in the right places, the oncoming tyranny, and thus having my voice heard, finding safety in numbers, being solution oriented, and finding a sense of purpose and meaning, is a big part of my own healing too."

I agree this is essential and fully connected to one's health and healing.

I agree, parallel societies (even partially) are already underway and this will be a growing, naturally occurring phenomena as more and more of us say "No" to what's being offered and look for new solutions.

Despite 'their' apparent presence (magnified by captured media) they are losing control. We don't need to fear them. And, as you note, we don't need a large % to create new avenues and options.

Thanks, Gary.

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Jun 8, 2023Edited
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Ain't gonna work, Gary, but don't believe me. Ask some preppers, who have been thinking this thing out for three decades.

A commune makes you all an easy target to shoot, or to spray, or to bomb, or to beseige you.

Rule one: Be a small target. One person is as small as it gets. But meet allies discreetly. Never meet in numbers higher than ten. If necessary, form cells.

Rule two: Adopt guerilla tactics. Identify your key enemy figures, which are probably your CMO, local media editors, leading politicians, their handlers, and AMA committee. Don't kill anybody, just disable them. Blind is a real handicap. Disappear them is better still.

Rule Three: Shame local military personnel into training you all as militia, but under the guise of community security. Form a security company.

Four: Identify a safe communication system. Proton will do or a start. But code will be essential.

Or just give up. Peaceful non-violent protest is a euphemism for giving up.

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"Peaceful non-violent protest is a euphemism for giving up."

I don't agree at all.

There are a litany of effective nonviolent acts of resistance that have hardly even been tried.

A tax revolt is a perfect example.

Ruling-out nonviolence is merely a lack of imagination.

This is partially why outreach is so important. The more people willing to stand, the less messy things need to be.

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You miscomprehend, Gabriel. I was not giving everybody free advice. I was offering those who have joined most of the dots some thought-provoking logic. I am not a theoretician. I have fought on the front for sixty rears and I know what works and what does not. Ghandi and King were cultivated and nudged in the right direction by, respectively, the City of London and Wall Street, martyred for validation, and featured in epic movies by Hollywood so that feeble minds would follow this course to the death camps, singing triumphantly all the way. It works for the globalists and it works for human evolution. 60% of humanity erased. This eliminates old people and reduces the social security bill and reduces unneeded labour, which pleases the Rothschilds and Rockefellers of this world. The eugenicists want 80% of humanity dead. So you go right on doing things their way. This will bring so much pleasure to the psychopaths of the elite. To make people happy is blessed, so they say. I am not taking sides in this, but also, I am not marching to any death camps.

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"I know what works and what does not."

Glad you've got it all figured out.

🍺 a toast for your imminent victory!

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Why, well I never. This is the first time anybody has dedicated a drop of the old gold gargler in my honour. I am touched, Gabriel. As you march by me, I will be shouting words of encouragement to you. I will be the 80 year old with the walking frame featuring a rebel flag and a RPG mounted on the front arm grip. From the hearty greetings I now get from the local war corporate CEOs, they realise I am more dangerous than Putin's army. Grrr.

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I agree with every word you have written here. Subscribing with thanks.

The walking frame + RPG tickled me!

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I have read your historic analysis. It is a relief to know that you comprehend what is happening and, more importantly, why. This means you know what has to be done.

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We’re involved in a food co-op where we trade boxes of things we produce for boxes from others who produce what we need and don’t grow. Some people also sell boxes of assorted produce to city people or even their neighbors who have no growing skills, yet still want clean, organically grown food. I’ve been learning about herbal medicines for awhile and have been making comfrey and calendula salves. I also make a couple of different tinctures. I still have so much to learn.

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Yes, these are good examples!

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Any relation to Russell Gluck?

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Possibly. I’ll have to ask my husband. Where is he from? As in what state?

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He was working in Darwin, Australia in the late 1970s.

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He doesn’t “know” him, but it seems most Glucks are related somehow.

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Thank you so much for the shout out!

You've pointed out many ways in which people are under assault. This is why I believe some of the most important victories can be defensive ones.

Anything we can do to keep our minds, bodies, and souls safe from abuse goes a long way.

I think it's easy to get bogged down with the immense task of rebuilding everything, but it can be as simple as passing down practical skills!

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I have often thought if I moved from the Uk, I would move to Lancaster PA near an Amish community. But the US government is doing their best to destroy these poor people by mandating the Amish break with tradition and conform to American laws that apply to farming. The Amish want nothing to do with the “English” laws, way of life, healthcare system. In return they do not pay into the government social security system, do not vaxx their kids, did not take covid jabs. They are self sufficient despite all the US government’s attempted interference. I would not compare the Amish to travellers, or other similar groups. For the most part in the USA, Caucasians have lost their way. No sense of family, community. What went wrong?

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I think it was deliberate to demoralize so the elites could impose their technocratic and dystopian vision - i.e. it has all been engineered.

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Matthias Desmet speaks to this - the ability of a dedicated minority to point the way out of fascism is a real thing and proven out by history. Stay strong, stay committed and stay interdependent. None of us ever accomplished anything great alone.

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"we can’t vote or protest our way out of this oncoming dystopia...We have to save ourselves."

I’m fully on board with this. What we have is a nation desperately believing that they can vote their way to a better life, or dreaming of the day when they don’t have to choose between the lesser of two evils.

In order to survive as a species, we need to take power back into our own hands. We need to create a new paradigm of collective and personal sovereignty. And we need to reclaim our own consciousness as freethinking, free-feeling men and women. This means no longer seeing ourselves as subject to the authority of our rulers and revoking our consent to be governed. It means delegitimizing the ruling class, and legitimizing ourselves.

"We can self-create other ways to live, which exists alongside/outside the dystopian, mainstream society and culture."

The enclaves, subcultures, and counter-cultures are inevitably distorted because they exist as a sub-component of the dominant paradigm. They generally emerged from the struggle between universal human needs and the needs of those who wished to control these and other humans (whom they consider an obstacle to their selfish desires). These subcultures exist largely in reaction to the control system. Having said that, what would I give to live in a Shangri-La—a hidden, utopian paradise...a serene refuge from the troubles and stresses of an otherwise manufactured existence! But more reasonably, even if such communities made no overall difference, I would probably choose one if it were in alignment with my own values.

"many of us have already largely opted out of the medical and healthcare system"

In the USA, many healthcare professionals are also opting out by creating Private Member Associations (pma’s). These offer a market alternative to big pharma but are limited in their scope by having to “sell their wares” and generate profit to continue in business. Which means that affordable healthcare (in the USA) is still a dream; a pay-to-play system. If you can’t afford good healthcare (or insurance), your condition will remain untreated (as money talks, as always). Given that around 75% of americans are living paycheck to paycheck, this is hardly a viable solution but better than nothing. I myself would benefit greatly from working with a Somatic Experiencing practitioner but am unable to afford one.

"More and more people are growing their own food"

I myself grow salad greens as a market gardener (in the wintertime, no less). I have higher costs than Big Ag and have to charge twice the price of your generic supermarket salad mixes. When consumers are on a limited budget, the choice to “support your local farmer” takes a distant second to more pressing survival concerns, even if they recognize the importance of so doing. Land prices are astronomical because people are escaping the cities to live in my rural location, and because mega corporations are buying up farmland. Many have attempted to start intentional communities, cooperatives, and the like, but are hamstrung by high costs and the need to generate sufficient income to pay bills. I have a friend who developed a visionary idea for a community model. He was unable to bring it to fruition after his finance model fell apart through no fault of his own. Another intentional community I was a part of failed because the wealthy individual who funded the project fell prey to his own trauma patternings which sabotaged the project.

In short, having somewhat explored the concept of creating parallel and alternative societies and cultures, I’m more inclined to see this simply as a sophisticated way of “coping” with a world not fit for human consumption. While it may allude to the Answer, it is more of a yearning for the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible. What’s needed is a whole-system approach. So much more to say but I’ll leave it there.

I touch upon this subject in the podcast, Cutting the Gordian Knot, which you can find at https://michaelronin.net/appearances/, from about timestamp 40:00. Note that this was second in a series of podcasts, starting with The Power of No & The Power of Yes.

Thank you for your writing. It’s rare to find someone I so fully resonate with.

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Will watch your podcast appearances with great interest, and have your book on kindle. Your replies deserve posts of their own. Would you consider guest articles on my substack?

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Thank you, Gary. I’m honored that you would ask me to write an article and host it on your platform. I have a sense that we are very much cut from the same cloth. And thank you for purchasing my book! Hopefully, after having read it, you’ll still think highly of me as it has quite a few controversial elements and I’d be interested to see how it sits with you.

I’ve recently taken a break from writing and speaking. Predominantly, it’s because I’ve begun to experience a degree of cognitive decline (and other health concerns) and my concern is to avoid putting out substandard work. There are so many voices clamoring to be heard who have neither the wits nor the merit to have their ideas met with a serious level of consideration. I’d hate to be one of them just because I’ve put out good ideas in the past. I fear I may be reaching my sell-by date. Equally, I am rather busy with the business of generating an income and managing my energy level as I advance into decrepitude. Writing takes a lot out of me—I try to be as thorough in my research as I am in presenting my ideas in a thought-provoking way. It’s challenging and rewarding, but tiring.

I still journal my thoughts daily on matters which interest me but have yet to assemble them into new work. And I am still passionate about improving the circumstances for people and planet in whatever capacity I can. Hopefully, I’ll be moved to do so if my energy levels improve. Should that be the case, I’ll most certainly send you an article with the proviso that you reject it if it fails to meet good journalistic standards.

Thank you once again and good luck with all your endeavors.

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OK, understood, but I would still very much welcome your extended comments on these posts!

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Gluck is not up there with Smith and Jones, so I figured he might be a relly. probably distant. We Ryans are all related too, originally horrible vikings who got to like their victims in Ireland and stayed. My niece sussed them out and found a cairn in a village in Limerick that said "All Ryans are trouble-makers". They got that right.

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This is more than an ongoing tyranny though. This is even more than genocide. This is the destruction of nature itself!

It isn't as if the owners of the big corporations need more wealth.

So what motivates them to continue to rob all life of its resources?

It has to be that the plan is to sterilise this planet and start again.

The predator class believes that it can improve on nature.

"They have carefully vaulted seed banks and genetic material from every animal and insect they will require when the great silence finally falls.

Their dream must be to emerge to a new surface, owned entirely and exclusively by them, presumably restocking "nature" to suit their own, undoubtedly pre-planned design. I wonder if the new, remote city of Nur Sultan, Kazakhstan will still be standing....

That is what I think is intended." ~ quoted from my article: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/the-mother-of-all-false-flag-events

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Very concerning

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Now this is seldom encountered. Somebody who sees the whole picture: Globalisation from 8th century to now. And, apparently, the critical solution. Go, Frances.

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For many, maybe most of us, this truly represents the way forward. There is much more I’d like to say, in response, Gary, but I wanted to get this in immediately. After reading this I think you’re spot-on with the basic premises you’ve outlined. I hope to add some more detail to my response in the week ahead.

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Gary, this is an uplifting article. Using our Creator-given faculty of IMAGINATION, we can connect with Mother Earth and other full-spectrum humans to CREATE our authentic lives on Earth. We can be FOR-LIFE while the wayward wizards and their cushy-job-keeping career clowns and *Idiocracy* slaves mindlessly uphold the Anti-Life Machine-Mind Overlay. Our interactions with them may be angering, awkward, and often comical, but we can step away, knowing that they will return to their cocoons, and we will re-enter our Divine Gardens!

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It all started many, many generations ago...The species was subjected to a prolonged, terrifying experience...It was traumatised, and the trauma still impacts their existence...The species gathered together in Civilisation: Civilisation - defensive institutions, arrangements, and behaviours to protect against the Threat Out There in The Wild...

The Stockholm Syndrome is prevelant amongst the young, inside families...

Voters for politicians definitely display evidence of Stockholm Syndrome...

And there's no doubting that politicians evince Stockholm Syndrome in their kowtowing to the Powerful, and Powerful Interests...

"Dont follow leaders...Watch The Parking Meters !! (1960s folksinger)...

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You end with, that we need to "get on with creating the society we do want to live in - but we do need to start building it soon." Gary, some of us have been doing just that. My sense is that my Truth Summit is part of that. There will also be a Truth Tellers Club starting right after. That's part of that. Tess Lawrie is part of the Better Way Conference and general approach. That's part of that. These efforts may not be widely visible. My experience is they definitely exist.

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Thanks. Fair points. Should have said "need to start helping to build it soon" I will change this now.

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Great. Plus, great that you find - if you haven't already, and if this appeals to you - parts of these alternatives that are right for you.

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Jun 9, 2023Edited
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My experience is that most people will be wilfully blind https://garysharpe.substack.com/p/dignity-and-grace-vs-psychological to this info, would not be able to take it on board, won't want to face it - it is what I call the "Hide" stress response https://garysharpe.substack.com/p/hide-or-seek-stress-responses . I think that, as well as trying to wake people up, we also have to show them alternative ways and paths, which are hopeful.

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Likewise, Gary. Most people actually get very angry if you try to open their eyes. Frustrating? Hell no. This also means that when the current 15% open-eyes/ unvaxxed sector are joined by the furious mandate-vaxxed, we will have the prerequisite 20% who are committed to the rescue of humanity and the destruction of the eugenicists and demociders. 50% will do nothing regardless of the raging war around them. 10% will try to crush us, supported by another ten percent of sycophants. The remaining 20% will vacillate, confused. The question in the balance is: will the former and current military personnel overcome their cringe and assist us. It seems to me that soldiers no longer believe they are fighting to defend the people, but the government. If we lose, this will be the reason and nothing else. All we can do is call out for soldiers to form people's militias, under the initial guise of community security in the face of uncontrollable crime.

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