Especially the weaponization of fear... "Industrial Medicine" - that is a good phrase to describe our current medical/healthcare systems - I will use that.
For the past four years, I've been using the term "Industrial Medicine" because I think the average person would have no clue what "allopathic medicine" is. Since the mainstream medical system functions like an industry (cranking out profit) using the term "industrial medicine" seems appropriate.
It seems important to me that people separate the "kind, compassionate MD" that they might trust (foolishly in my opinion) from the system in which that MD functions. An individual MD *might* be a wonderful, intelligent person. But the system is profiteering and heartless.
The docs with good outcomes have been removed from clinical practice while the ghoulish, smiling policy-wonks left in policy-making positions. Fixing this is going to be a trip.The smiling wonks will be sued. The tsunami of suits has begun, here and there.
Yes, but the challenge is how do we inform the rest of the public?
So many people believe they MUST "go to the doctor". Seriously? If you are healthy then why are you going to see a MD? If you are sick, have you never survived the flu before?
I think we need to clarify the terms we use since the predators have completely distorted and manipulated the English language. Terms like “health”, “medicine”, “doctor” and “care” mean completely different things to me than they do to the average person/prey/victim of the cult.
For example, a person who has injected or prescribed and/or continues to inject or prescribe poison and/or bioweapons (pharmaceuticals) is NOT practicing medicine or care nor are they concerned about anyone’s health or welfare. Period. They are believing lies, spreading lies and participating in genocide. They are puppets serving out satanic rituals.
Pharmaceuticals are NOT medicine.
Healthcare in North America is NOT CARE.
Stop looking to these people for advice or help - they have been lied to their entire careers, their egos have been inflated to the point they cannot see right from wrong and all that matters to them is collecting their fees and bonuses. Stay away from them if you have any self-love or integrity.
I'm amazed how much they say the quiet parts out loud over commercials. During the pandemic radio advertisements initially for covid vaccines were immediately followed by a commercial with warning signs if you have DVT - brought to you by Pfizer. Later in the same year were advertisements for life insurance where a woman comes on saying, my sisters husband died suddenly and left them with nothing. We should get life insurance. They push these died suddenly ads off and on during the year.
At first I thought maybe it was a way of helping people. Then I realized it was to normalize it in peoples heads. They dont realize they're being conditioned.
Jacking up the language is a feature, not a bug. Adapting words meant for militarism to describe health is just another not-so-subtle hint that we’re pushed to be at war with our own selves.
Thought you might be interested in this new study....It would be interesting to see the full study.
Nutr Neurosci
. 2023 Sep 14;1-9. doi: 10.1080/1028415X.2023.2253025. Online ahead of print.
Dietary quality and the gut microbiome in early-stage Parkinson's disease patients
Hyun Jeong Yoon 1, Woorim Kang 2 3, Sungyang Jo 4, Yun Su Hwang 4, Je Hee Lee 3, Sun Ju Chung 4, Yoo Kyoung Park 1 5
Affiliations expand
PMID: 37711026 DOI: 10.1080/1028415X.2023.2253025
Background: The prevalence of Parkinson's disease (PD) has increased steadily with the increase of the elderly population. PD may influence dietary intake and quality, and the gut microbiome composition. The present study examined differences in dietary intake and quality between PD patients and controls according to sex. In addition, we assessed the gut microbiome composition.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at A Medical Center, Seoul, South Korea. PD severity, swallowing function, olfactory function, and constipation status were examined by a skilled nurse. Dietary data were collected through a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire. Stool samples were subjected to microbiome analysis. To examine dietary quality, the Dietary Quality Index-International (DQI-I), Healthy Eating Index (HEI), Index of Nutritional Quality (INQ), Dietary Diversity Score (DDS), and Mediterranean Diet Score (MDS) were used. An independent t-test was used to determine differences between patients and controls. A chi-square test was used to examine frequency differences.
Results: Dietary intake did not differ between the PD patient and control groups. Regarding dietary quality, the patients consumed more saturated fat compared to controls. Overall, the dietary differences between the groups were minor. The composition of the gut microbiome differed between PD patients and controls. Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium genus were most abundant in PD patients. Prevotella VZCB and other Faecalibacterium were most abundant in controls.
Conclusions: Our results indicated that PD patients may experience gut microbiome change even in the early stage, while nutritional needs can be met when a balanced diet including various food groups are consumed.
Yeah I think you're right. I see the same happening in mental health, where it seems that big pharma is setting the standards of what is, or not, evidence base
I've noticed the fear-mongering rhetoric and the tools for control from our Sick Care system increasing over the past few weeks. The only thing left to do is to push back harder.
"We're surrounded. That simplifies our problem" - Colonel "Chesty" Puller
“Clinicians have a duty not just to the person in front of them, but to the carbon footprint of the treatments.”
THEY must push forward with this. It is their only option, to double-down. It will only get more egregious and insane going forward.
More people wake up as they do. Yes, new systems of sanity will emerge alongside this insanity. Gonna be messy.
Thank you, Gary.
Yes., I did not see this one coming, nor that they be so explicit about it. It was this more than anything that prompted me to speak up.
The past four years have been astounding how emotion has been used by propaganda while logic is censored. Industrial Medicine has become a joke.
Especially the weaponization of fear... "Industrial Medicine" - that is a good phrase to describe our current medical/healthcare systems - I will use that.
For the past four years, I've been using the term "Industrial Medicine" because I think the average person would have no clue what "allopathic medicine" is. Since the mainstream medical system functions like an industry (cranking out profit) using the term "industrial medicine" seems appropriate.
It seems important to me that people separate the "kind, compassionate MD" that they might trust (foolishly in my opinion) from the system in which that MD functions. An individual MD *might* be a wonderful, intelligent person. But the system is profiteering and heartless.
The docs with good outcomes have been removed from clinical practice while the ghoulish, smiling policy-wonks left in policy-making positions. Fixing this is going to be a trip.The smiling wonks will be sued. The tsunami of suits has begun, here and there.
Yes, but the challenge is how do we inform the rest of the public?
So many people believe they MUST "go to the doctor". Seriously? If you are healthy then why are you going to see a MD? If you are sick, have you never survived the flu before?
I think we need to clarify the terms we use since the predators have completely distorted and manipulated the English language. Terms like “health”, “medicine”, “doctor” and “care” mean completely different things to me than they do to the average person/prey/victim of the cult.
For example, a person who has injected or prescribed and/or continues to inject or prescribe poison and/or bioweapons (pharmaceuticals) is NOT practicing medicine or care nor are they concerned about anyone’s health or welfare. Period. They are believing lies, spreading lies and participating in genocide. They are puppets serving out satanic rituals.
Pharmaceuticals are NOT medicine.
Healthcare in North America is NOT CARE.
Stop looking to these people for advice or help - they have been lied to their entire careers, their egos have been inflated to the point they cannot see right from wrong and all that matters to them is collecting their fees and bonuses. Stay away from them if you have any self-love or integrity.
Thank you for sharing this. 🙏❤
I'm amazed how much they say the quiet parts out loud over commercials. During the pandemic radio advertisements initially for covid vaccines were immediately followed by a commercial with warning signs if you have DVT - brought to you by Pfizer. Later in the same year were advertisements for life insurance where a woman comes on saying, my sisters husband died suddenly and left them with nothing. We should get life insurance. They push these died suddenly ads off and on during the year.
At first I thought maybe it was a way of helping people. Then I realized it was to normalize it in peoples heads. They dont realize they're being conditioned.
Jacking up the language is a feature, not a bug. Adapting words meant for militarism to describe health is just another not-so-subtle hint that we’re pushed to be at war with our own selves.
Thought you might be interested in this new study....It would be interesting to see the full study.
Nutr Neurosci
. 2023 Sep 14;1-9. doi: 10.1080/1028415X.2023.2253025. Online ahead of print.
Dietary quality and the gut microbiome in early-stage Parkinson's disease patients
Hyun Jeong Yoon 1, Woorim Kang 2 3, Sungyang Jo 4, Yun Su Hwang 4, Je Hee Lee 3, Sun Ju Chung 4, Yoo Kyoung Park 1 5
Affiliations expand
PMID: 37711026 DOI: 10.1080/1028415X.2023.2253025
Background: The prevalence of Parkinson's disease (PD) has increased steadily with the increase of the elderly population. PD may influence dietary intake and quality, and the gut microbiome composition. The present study examined differences in dietary intake and quality between PD patients and controls according to sex. In addition, we assessed the gut microbiome composition.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at A Medical Center, Seoul, South Korea. PD severity, swallowing function, olfactory function, and constipation status were examined by a skilled nurse. Dietary data were collected through a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire. Stool samples were subjected to microbiome analysis. To examine dietary quality, the Dietary Quality Index-International (DQI-I), Healthy Eating Index (HEI), Index of Nutritional Quality (INQ), Dietary Diversity Score (DDS), and Mediterranean Diet Score (MDS) were used. An independent t-test was used to determine differences between patients and controls. A chi-square test was used to examine frequency differences.
Results: Dietary intake did not differ between the PD patient and control groups. Regarding dietary quality, the patients consumed more saturated fat compared to controls. Overall, the dietary differences between the groups were minor. The composition of the gut microbiome differed between PD patients and controls. Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium genus were most abundant in PD patients. Prevotella VZCB and other Faecalibacterium were most abundant in controls.
Conclusions: Our results indicated that PD patients may experience gut microbiome change even in the early stage, while nutritional needs can be met when a balanced diet including various food groups are consumed.
Yeah I think you're right. I see the same happening in mental health, where it seems that big pharma is setting the standards of what is, or not, evidence base
I've noticed the fear-mongering rhetoric and the tools for control from our Sick Care system increasing over the past few weeks. The only thing left to do is to push back harder.
"We're surrounded. That simplifies our problem" - Colonel "Chesty" Puller