Jan 17, 2023Liked by Gary Sharpe

Your thoughts are appreciated but at the global level I tend to think that the individuals plotting everyone's future are doing so from their narcissistic and psychopathic tendencies. They are also operating under a permissive materialistic and utilitarian philosophy that is Darwinian and inhumane in nature. They are the fittest and the rest are not, therefore they are expendable.

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Last comment , I promise . The daughter of Marina the woman raised with the monkeys , said that her mother NEVER GETS SICK . She got a slight cold once , went to sleep for four hours and GONE . I believe that communicating with our own bodies with our own language , our own inner psyche is part of the healing process , so if it is focused on external stories , it can't focus on inner stories . Wim Hof , also maintains that very powerful inner "How I am feeling "conversation , and in two examples , once in an interview ( I watch and listen a lot to youtube , its incredible that we can in this day and age ) he was infected on purpose to experiment , in a hospital setting and felt it , fought it , and came out without being affected by a known infection . Then , once on an interview a male interviewer offered him a beer , at the start of the time to talk . I watched how he sort of checked in with his body , then , he sort of twitched with his whole body and said " Ok , sure , let's have a beer " - it was the same body response as the monkey lady , she sort of checks in with her body before talking . Laird Hamilton the big wave surfer waterman also is very body responsive when answering questions . Lately I am staring at the " Draw Bridge " of communication between body and mind , I think its a key to unlocking Parkinson's , Anorexia , Narcissism , and even Autism . Thank you for creating this page Gary and for allowing me to freely communicate here .

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Hi Gary,

Good piece.

At the risk of the fundamental attribution error, I can see the pathology of self-delusional, would-be 'white knights' as similar to chain-of-command, micro-managers in the classroom or work place.

The more they intervene without first knowing themselves, as opposed to observing and flowing with nature, the more likely they will only ultimately destroy what they attempt to manage ... pretty much in the same way that pathological narcissists destroy political institutions and machiavellian opportunists destroy businesses.

Cheers from Japan!


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Helpful article. Thanks

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I just want to say - to really clarify , am I being mean to my mother ? NO . She is going to a nursing home where she used to teach art herself , in my sister's town , where her three wonderful teenage grandchildren will be near - as well as my sister and her husband . However , she must engage her spoken personality with her body if she wants to progress and rebalance , and , she must become engaged in a balanced self awareness if she is going to be able to be a good member of the care community that she will be living in . Care partnership is the way to go , both in the patients mind and the care workers minds . If she has an imbalanced attitude , they will have to work harder than they are being paid to do . Appreciating the work others are doing , goes hand in hand with appreciating our own beautiful body structures and our own spiritual truth . I used to think that revering old people because they were old, but ... no more . Sometimes, they are more like temper tantrum fueled three year olds , going through transitions of power and really need assistance with those transition .

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Gary Sharpe

Gary, excellent article!! I believe these unproductive nervous system responses are caused by inconsistent caregiving experiences (i. e. attachment) during the first year of life. Extended or too frequent energetic disconnects with mother/known caregivers create a form of insecure attachment known as Disorganized Attachment. The primary coping skill these children develop is CONTROL -- and a set of behaviors I call The Little General. They become experts at organizing the environment around their mother and caring for others, but they are chaotic internally and disconnected from their own needs.

There are two other adaptive behaviors associated with Disorganized Attachment: The Lost Child and the Solicitous Caregiver. All these "styles" are very difficult to heal, as they are rooted deeply in the psyche . . . and psychotherapeutic interventions often take people into regressive, psychotic states, which very few professionals have done themselves and therefore lack "containment" skills.

More and more I think most of the world is attachment disordered, which is what makes us so easy to control and vulnerable to mass formation psychosis, propaganda, and psyops.

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my 85 year old mom is in a beautiful hospital recovering from a viral infection , as her mind is coming back in tune , and she is slowly becoming strong and able to stand and walk , her attitude went into this yukky spirit of arrogance , "when they give me a diagnosis " " The food is not very palatable" " If they let me get up " and I literally yelled at her to get that attitude and chuck it , because then the people giving her beautiful help will have to not only do their work , but also work at deal with her GAME , which is an artificial defense system .

She cried < I said stop crying that is just another route out of facing this , then incoming a nurse to help her move to her chair , change the sheets with fresh sheets .... and inside of this simplified setting it is so EASY for me to see the False Affect of domination games , perhaps based on insecurity , perhaps based on a lifetime of it working , and perhaps coming from a learned mannerism , to be applied when in doubt , however .....

I said to her that if she wants to get her body working she is going to have to inhabit it , and not float around in pie in the sky land , better than thou , and do what I say - dictatorship . This split in the psyche , when the mouth does not speak for the body actual , rather speaks to the other person in the room , to see how it can hook a fish , is very serious to me , as this disconnect is so prevalent in this social order that we do not even notice it . .... fast forwards to this OTHER WOMAN < the Girl With No Name , Marina Chapman , who apparently was

living feral in a forest in Columbia between the formative ages of 4 and 8 ...

What is beautiful to me is to WATCH her videos , where she is being interviewed , when asked a question , her body seems to tingle and move before answering , her words describe her feelings as priority , and her languaging is completely centered , and there is absolutely ZERO manipulation or counter game in the interviewer . Its the most fascinating thing to study for me .

Another great resourse is Jean Leidloff "the Continuum Concept " and as well " The People of the Deer " getting back to stories about people who were working with nature as their focus , and the people around them as same similar . "Rabbit Proof Fence " from Austrailia , also shines a light on self managed centered individual behavior , that then becomes interactive , confronting externallly managed behavior that falsely promises results that would benefit .

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Gary Sharpe

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

Try saying this next time you are in an emotional pickle.

You might be surprised how calming it is, to repeat if necessary.

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Jan 19, 2023·edited Jan 19, 2023Liked by Gary Sharpe


"I can’t help but point to the World Economic Forum, as a globalized culmination of a pathological obsessive-compulsive need by a very small group of people to control what the rest of humanity does, says and thinks, in order to keep themselves and their resources safe."

It is a psychopathic, entropic mindset that is fear-based and thus generates fear.

I think this is a non-Divine "engine" of sorts because it promotes disharmony which leads to poor mental state and begets disease.

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Great comments. There is a holistic perspective here that would be very interesting to explore as a live Zoom chat.

In addition, I want to say is that this is parallel to what I wrote about discernment. https://edbrenegar.substack.com/p/synthetic-discernment


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💯 spot on

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Excellent thanks. Emerging from the present totalitarianism will involve examining our own spy and spiritual states. Revolutions are always both inner and outer.

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Some people wont give up wanting more because they are in love with themselves unable to understand that others live also

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Gary Sharpe

Thank you for helping me to understand what my own personal observation meant, not knowing caused me to be baffled and very frustrated! My instinct. and beliefs kept nagging me, I could not wrap my head around what exactly I had been witnessing. I had constantly been asking myself, "why are people still wearing masks and believing lies, something is just not normal here..." I now have a new understanding to the questions as to why it is people are still mask wearers, get vaxxed and boosters, (yes I do realize some are forced into it by the totalitarian freaks & creeps in Gov. enforcing lousy mandates only for power, control and let's never forget, self-embellishments $$$), and still to this day, after all the evidence and FACTS proving that masks and C-19 vaccines do NOTHING but harm, injure and worse... kill! Is it not a psychological operation perpetrated on to people/sheeple by the enemies at the top down! I speak for myself in saying, what a mind blowing experience and sadly, not a fun one at that!

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Excellent read Gary. Yes, let's stop wasting energy. Resilience is key.


The problem with anarchy is that it has been given a bad wrap, probably due to its utility in creating disunity. Much like re- LEGION.

THE OLDEST AND MOST HIDDEN LIE- is possibly in religious tampering by powerful men. You know the ones.... philanthropists (our betters) I think something fundamental to human profession has been lost I translation ( censored)

The IMAGE of God-


FALSE. We are MAD in his image. ( It must have been a typo) We are divided by this falsity.

God and the devil are one beast called man; stumbling around Eden like a toddler with a knife.

Man is HIS own reflection? ( just remove the glorified capitals AND THE TRUTH IS REVEALED) Image, I mage, MAGI. 'Oh my LOGOS.'

The false is not external from the truth.

Truth and life are not separate from falsehoods and death. We are out of whack. Oh my dog!

Lies are the souls infectious and terminal diseases. Lies are Hydra.

The Triangle and mentoring

' in alchemical symbolism, the triangle represents the three planes of existence which we experience in our journey of human consciousness. There is the physical plane (body), the mental plane (mind) and the astral plane (spirit or soul).'

An honest contribution- could be one where a person helps oneself by helping others.

Without honest reflection of my abilities to contribute, I must call for help and advice first. Substack is great for this!

Advice from acclaimed guides and parents-

Mentors, Minotaurs and other foster- fathers.

What will you foster in me?

I will only listen if I intuit that there is no ulterior motive. A to do this a mentor must be indifferent to the outcome of his/ her projections? What if personal love of the mysteries of life is the projection?

"We can't have moral obligations to every single person in this world. We have moral obligations to those who we come up against, who enter into our moral space, so to speak. That means neighbours, people we deal with, and so on." -Alexander McCall Smith…

Road- base: aggregation- needs clay, and little rocks of all sizes, people need a road and a foundation, random people getting together

Group- think and other oversized or partisan crap does not scale well- neither does morality, equality, good intentions, communities, charity, technology, religion, science or regulation.

Finding one's own path to love and living-

'Love must have the strength to reach certainty for itself. Only then does it stop undergoing the power of attraction, but exerts it.' - Herman Hesse :Demian

Children +he beneficiaries of lies.

You owe me your life.

I have sacrificed.

Thankyou Father, thankyou Mother.

I am in your debt, forever can you heap apon me your desires and your failings.

Your heirlooms are unwanted

Air looms- tools imbued by their descendants with light or dark energy.

Early 15c., ayre lome, a hybrid from heir + loom (n.) in its original but now otherwise obsolete sense of "implement, tool," extended to mean "article." Technically, some piece of property that by will or custom passes down with the real estate. General sense of "anything handed down from generation to generation" is from 1610s.

Mixed messages-

' you'r special and have the ability to do anything you want to in this world. ' as long as we approve..... ' thanks mummy. When do I get my I scream.

' You are a bad boy for not doing what we want, so you will receive out righteous punishment '.:

You will make us look bad in front of the commune. We do this out of love.

'I will show you a bad boy.... '

While the people of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath day. And those who found him gathering sticks brought him to Moses and Aaron and to all the congregation. They put him in custody, because it had not been made clear what should be done to him. And the Lord said to Moses, “The man shall be put to death; all the congregation shall stone him with stones outside the camp.” And all the congregation brought him outside the camp and stoned him to death with stones, as the Lord commanded Moses.” Numbers 15:32-36

Communions - Come Minions

The church was a place where the rich and poor congregated on an even plain , where the spiritual towers over the material ( an irony to be sure) in communication, to be judged by their merits in the eyes of all ( god was a symball for people to share with each other, and show some decency to each other in the public eye ) at least for a few hrs a week

If nothing else was redeemable from religion

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