"I don’t know about you, but my trust in public health and medical authorities was really rock bottom before the pandemic. However, now I will not only never trust anything they say again ever again, but I will also err on the side caution: that is it safer to assume anything they say is the opposite to the truth from the outset."
Well, yeah. And even in admitting their failure it won't change the over arching trajectory, because the vaccines were never about health. How many will ever know about this? The marketing campaign will continue.
Trust me, I am not the AOA MD grad in the family, but I am an uncommon reader, and I read every thing that I can understand (which limits me, of course). But, I was able to ascertain that this new platform did NOT work! And I cynically wondered what other confections were in the jabs. .... Thank goodness.....
Thanks for this. An unapologetic, unashamed admission that they got it totally wrong, used as the excuse for yet another round of 'vaccine' development, hinting at provoking the innate immune system to respond, rather than adaptive immunity, hinting also at the possible need for many, frequent and repeated dosing schedules (which will be great for Big Pharma profits). They admit to not knowing how this might provoke unwanted inflammatory/toxic reactions, but they're enthusiastically ploughing ahead anyway. So prepare yourselves for Round 2 of the Covid debacle in a few years.
Thank you. Yes, I only covered the background section here... I think there is enough to take apart in the rest of the article for 2 or 3 more posts on it! As you say, the are only admitting to this now, because this is self-serving in their push for funding and support for ever more fantastical "solutions". No doubt you are right, and another pandemic will be their excuse to test the novel novel vaccines on the global population...
The history is clear that it was used to cover up issues and also promote vaccines.
When they blame failure on variants, the story doesn't match up even in their own lore. Sars1 is 80% identical to cov2. They found cross immunity among those who had sars1.
However, somehow Delta and omicron etc, which are 99% or some other high number identical to the original strain, there's no cross immunity?
Lies lies lies. Flu shots have the same excuse.
Mike Yeadon PhD, former VP of pfizer calls them scariants.
I call them an excuse to cover up vaccine side effects. People get sick and it's blamed on the virus mutating.
It's like chemo killing the cancer patient, to have cancer to blame.
Or AZT killing the HIV patient, later blamed on the virus.
Great video link. My 2+ years of research also links back to policy and patents both present at the root of the Flexnor Report manipulation. My friend covers today's 30+ year scheme through the patent trail of tears the deepstate FED Reserve families can't "mask."
Very pertinent points you've made about an important and sorely under-reported paper (Igor Chudov substacked on it). As you say, the disconnect between the broadly accepted limitations of vaccines in the scientific community against such respiratory viruses and the claims then made about the Covid vaccines reveals their blatant dishonesty.
In the face of the huge propaganda machine driving the mass vaccinatinion campaigns why were there so few "good scientists" who cried stop? Why were they not listened to? The scientific community has a lot of soul-searching to do. They have sullied their own discipline irreparably in the eyes of many.
I tend to subscribe much to multiple sytemic factors such as basic corruption and incompetence but it's very difficult to not suspect malevolance and conspiracy with regard to pandemic panic and the subsequent drug pushing.
Yes, Igor's post would have been where I was made aware of it. It just took me some time to work through it myself. Having been in academia, I am not surprised the "scientists" didn't stand up. I found a lot of cowardice and elitism there. The only ones who were principled and stood up tended to be those who could retire, like Prof Norman Fenton, and hence say what they like.
Yes, good point. Although natural immunity from re-infection is not total for colds and flu like with smallpox, it is much better and much longer lasting than any jab can probably achieve, which is just high-jacking the same natural immunity system. I missed the subtle downplaying of natural immunity inherent in the review article! Good catch.
Oh! Yes, that is something I have come across too [I recently took a deep dive into "gene drives" which is related - which I am writing up]. Also vaccination for sterlization purposes (e.g. vaccines against sperms or the the ove embedding). Frightening stuff.
The admissions in the paper would be devastating for anyone not capable of doublethink. For the authors, it's not a problem at all. The catastrophic global failure is a mere hiccup. The terrible harms are other people's problems—on a par with the travails of lab rats, not even worth mentioning. Fauci et al are such chickenshit corporate Mengeles.
I think they are saying the mRNA vaccines as was didn't work, and can't work for biological. So it is an excuse to fund more exotic vaccines. They mention live virus vaccines, nasal sprays, more(!) frequent and higher doses!
I wonder if part of this is to throw egg on the faces of even "dissident" experts who initially supported the rollout. As a non-academic, non-medical person I try to be fairly charitable about what most people were likely to know in 2020, it does get dicey in 2021.
Did anyone really know enough to vocally recommend such a bold step? I'll admit as a layperson, I really only had suspicion from prior to the rollout to point to as red flags. Many measures seemed like calculated measures to increase suffering and death, so I figured the shots wouldn't be any different.
This is something I think was abused in many people. People didn't want to feel stupid or irrational so they tried to find whatever they could cling to as concrete evidence their (rational) mistrust wasn't misplaced.
I'm with people like Catherine Austin Fitts, David Martin, the Breggins, etc. There is a so-called Elite, a Predator cohort, banking cartel, Mr Global - call it what you will. Fitts has documented that something like 21 or perhaps 31 trillion dollars have been siphoned off from the economy by them. Lots and lots else. Would you like some links to some info from Catherine Austin Fitts, G Edward Griffin, James Corbett?
I follow James Corbett. For some reason I find Catherine to be intimidating, so haven't dived in to her work - despite many prompts from yourself, but yes on G Griffin - have not heard that name before.
I find Catherine to be contradictory and boisterous.
There was an interview where someone asked about her family's connections to the Rockefellers. Instead of just saying the truth, that yes they were friendly (so what, they didn't know as much back then), she went into weird dumb stories about herself.... Distraction, whether conscious or not, is what made me feel like she's a huge narcissist and braggart.
In another interview, she talked about when she was housing secretary under Bush.
She was at some finance conference in Las Vegas.
She said the convention center had mind control messages in the music.
What was her proof? She said that it was because she heard one of the liars speaking and believed him.
Maybe she's easily hypnotized, maybe that she really didn't know the guy was a liar... All I know is that her stories do not sound logical.
Knowing Catherine's background can help give one context to the massive volume of information that pours out of her. In a nutshell: She graduated from Wharton and became an investment banker. She became undersecretary of HUD under Bush Sr. She had everything - brilliance, background, family connections, wealth. She was invited to join the Council on Foreign Relations (declined)
She developed a computer program at HUD to create financial transparency. She discovered HUD was very profitable everywhere - except in two locations, which were losing billions. Mena, Arkansas and I think it was Houston, TX. Obviously, she had uncovered black budget operations and created a financial transparency vehicle. The government attacked, bankrupted her, sounded like also created a serious family rift. But she held to her principles, fought the government for 7 (?) years, won and started over from scratch. She started promoting her concept (solari circles) of local, decentralized living. Her belief is that we can get out from under this New World Order by not complying, taking our money out and supporting things that support our local communities. As she points out, when you buy at Walmart, that money instantly leaves your community. She stresses how much power depositors have due to fractional banking - but I would REALLY like to know what she thinks about the bank situation now. To me, it looks like the Fed has pulled the plug on the regional and small banks. There's a bank called Custodia Bank that sounds like there might be an interesting story behind it. Kim Iverson says it might be the safest bank in the country but the FDIC has rejected its becoming a member.
I agree re CAF. She is amazing. Then, as for your comment, "it looks like the Fed has pulled the plug on the regional and small banks." Yes, it deliberately is, according to people like Greg Mannarino. By the way, I subscribe to his Substack. Excellent. https://gregorymannarino.substack.com
One thing. Thanks for letting me know these things. Then, maybe there's something to it - what if we see how our truth detector is not working. I've had that experience. In fact, one thing I've noticed is that sometimes I have inner hissy fits against info that goes against what I believe is info. It's been vital to not let those inner hissy fits block my taking in the info. But how did those inner hissy fits get there? I usually love taking in info, even info that goes against what I believe is true. So in that way I resonate with CAFs experience.
Yeah the inner hissy fit is almost like a warning system. I've had the same with Dr Malone, who is also contradictory. Another guy that annoys me is the dollar vigilante.
I think she has good information.
But I get the same information from others.
I just don't feel like I can connect with her interviews and shows. I still read things she writes here and there.
I just don't find a need to listen to her stuff anymore.
We're lucky in these days that many are reporting this stuff.
Decades ago, I used to have to listen to coast to coast am late night to sometimes find good information among the disinfo lol.
"I don’t know about you, but my trust in public health and medical authorities was really rock bottom before the pandemic. However, now I will not only never trust anything they say again ever again, but I will also err on the side caution: that is it safer to assume anything they say is the opposite to the truth from the outset."
Well, yeah. And even in admitting their failure it won't change the over arching trajectory, because the vaccines were never about health. How many will ever know about this? The marketing campaign will continue.
Good point, they have been doing marketing not science!
Trust me, I am not the AOA MD grad in the family, but I am an uncommon reader, and I read every thing that I can understand (which limits me, of course). But, I was able to ascertain that this new platform did NOT work! And I cynically wondered what other confections were in the jabs. .... Thank goodness.....
Thank you!
Thanks for this. An unapologetic, unashamed admission that they got it totally wrong, used as the excuse for yet another round of 'vaccine' development, hinting at provoking the innate immune system to respond, rather than adaptive immunity, hinting also at the possible need for many, frequent and repeated dosing schedules (which will be great for Big Pharma profits). They admit to not knowing how this might provoke unwanted inflammatory/toxic reactions, but they're enthusiastically ploughing ahead anyway. So prepare yourselves for Round 2 of the Covid debacle in a few years.
Thank you. Yes, I only covered the background section here... I think there is enough to take apart in the rest of the article for 2 or 3 more posts on it! As you say, the are only admitting to this now, because this is self-serving in their push for funding and support for ever more fantastical "solutions". No doubt you are right, and another pandemic will be their excuse to test the novel novel vaccines on the global population...
Virology is pseudoscience.
The history is clear that it was used to cover up issues and also promote vaccines.
When they blame failure on variants, the story doesn't match up even in their own lore. Sars1 is 80% identical to cov2. They found cross immunity among those who had sars1.
However, somehow Delta and omicron etc, which are 99% or some other high number identical to the original strain, there's no cross immunity?
Lies lies lies. Flu shots have the same excuse.
Mike Yeadon PhD, former VP of pfizer calls them scariants.
I call them an excuse to cover up vaccine side effects. People get sick and it's blamed on the virus mutating.
It's like chemo killing the cancer patient, to have cancer to blame.
Or AZT killing the HIV patient, later blamed on the virus.
Great video link. My 2+ years of research also links back to policy and patents both present at the root of the Flexnor Report manipulation. My friend covers today's 30+ year scheme through the patent trail of tears the deepstate FED Reserve families can't "mask."
Thanks for returning to this, Gary!
Very pertinent points you've made about an important and sorely under-reported paper (Igor Chudov substacked on it). As you say, the disconnect between the broadly accepted limitations of vaccines in the scientific community against such respiratory viruses and the claims then made about the Covid vaccines reveals their blatant dishonesty.
In the face of the huge propaganda machine driving the mass vaccinatinion campaigns why were there so few "good scientists" who cried stop? Why were they not listened to? The scientific community has a lot of soul-searching to do. They have sullied their own discipline irreparably in the eyes of many.
I tend to subscribe much to multiple sytemic factors such as basic corruption and incompetence but it's very difficult to not suspect malevolance and conspiracy with regard to pandemic panic and the subsequent drug pushing.
Yes, Igor's post would have been where I was made aware of it. It just took me some time to work through it myself. Having been in academia, I am not surprised the "scientists" didn't stand up. I found a lot of cowardice and elitism there. The only ones who were principled and stood up tended to be those who could retire, like Prof Norman Fenton, and hence say what they like.
Actually, Fauci is still lying about durable broad based immunity to coronavirus infections - natural immunity is a thing, see https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2550-z (2020) and https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8253687/ published in 2021...
Yes, good point. Although natural immunity from re-infection is not total for colds and flu like with smallpox, it is much better and much longer lasting than any jab can probably achieve, which is just high-jacking the same natural immunity system. I missed the subtle downplaying of natural immunity inherent in the review article! Good catch.
Key word from Fauci at the end, non-replicating. The whole paper is designed to point to replicating “vaccines” as the answer.
Your best point is natural immunity AND the potential harm of any vaccine being ignored.
Oh! Yes, that is something I have come across too [I recently took a deep dive into "gene drives" which is related - which I am writing up]. Also vaccination for sterlization purposes (e.g. vaccines against sperms or the the ove embedding). Frightening stuff.
The admissions in the paper would be devastating for anyone not capable of doublethink. For the authors, it's not a problem at all. The catastrophic global failure is a mere hiccup. The terrible harms are other people's problems—on a par with the travails of lab rats, not even worth mentioning. Fauci et al are such chickenshit corporate Mengeles.
Yes, they aren't bothered by being hypocrits!
Exactly, hypocrites still get paid by the end of each month.
I will never take another mRNA and have become suspicious of all vaccine! Thanks for the review.
I'm very ignorant when it comes to this material, so please forgive my dense question:
(quote from last clip)"...how can we expect vaccines, especially systemically administered non-replicating vaccines, to [work]?"
Is this a plug for self-replicating vaccines? Are they saying all that didn't work in the past will be addressed by mRNA?
I think they are saying the mRNA vaccines as was didn't work, and can't work for biological. So it is an excuse to fund more exotic vaccines. They mention live virus vaccines, nasal sprays, more(!) frequent and higher doses!
I just get stuck on the word "non-replicating". Why was it specified?
I guess I have zero trust for vaccines now - and whatever they'll come up with next.
Next Generation Self-Replicating RNA Vectors for Vaccines
Yes, and also vaccines as contraceptives/sterilization
Fauci will never apologize , he seems to be goal oriented and achieved success in the pursuit.
When a person has the attitude of hooray for me to hell with you this is the result.
Good observation.
I wonder if part of this is to throw egg on the faces of even "dissident" experts who initially supported the rollout. As a non-academic, non-medical person I try to be fairly charitable about what most people were likely to know in 2020, it does get dicey in 2021.
Did anyone really know enough to vocally recommend such a bold step? I'll admit as a layperson, I really only had suspicion from prior to the rollout to point to as red flags. Many measures seemed like calculated measures to increase suffering and death, so I figured the shots wouldn't be any different.
This is something I think was abused in many people. People didn't want to feel stupid or irrational so they tried to find whatever they could cling to as concrete evidence their (rational) mistrust wasn't misplaced.
Perhaps now you also look at who/what controls the actions of the medical so-called authorities.
What are your current conclusions on this?
I'm with people like Catherine Austin Fitts, David Martin, the Breggins, etc. There is a so-called Elite, a Predator cohort, banking cartel, Mr Global - call it what you will. Fitts has documented that something like 21 or perhaps 31 trillion dollars have been siphoned off from the economy by them. Lots and lots else. Would you like some links to some info from Catherine Austin Fitts, G Edward Griffin, James Corbett?
I follow James Corbett. For some reason I find Catherine to be intimidating, so haven't dived in to her work - despite many prompts from yourself, but yes on G Griffin - have not heard that name before.
I find Catherine to be contradictory and boisterous.
There was an interview where someone asked about her family's connections to the Rockefellers. Instead of just saying the truth, that yes they were friendly (so what, they didn't know as much back then), she went into weird dumb stories about herself.... Distraction, whether conscious or not, is what made me feel like she's a huge narcissist and braggart.
In another interview, she talked about when she was housing secretary under Bush.
She was at some finance conference in Las Vegas.
She said the convention center had mind control messages in the music.
What was her proof? She said that it was because she heard one of the liars speaking and believed him.
Maybe she's easily hypnotized, maybe that she really didn't know the guy was a liar... All I know is that her stories do not sound logical.
Knowing Catherine's background can help give one context to the massive volume of information that pours out of her. In a nutshell: She graduated from Wharton and became an investment banker. She became undersecretary of HUD under Bush Sr. She had everything - brilliance, background, family connections, wealth. She was invited to join the Council on Foreign Relations (declined)
She developed a computer program at HUD to create financial transparency. She discovered HUD was very profitable everywhere - except in two locations, which were losing billions. Mena, Arkansas and I think it was Houston, TX. Obviously, she had uncovered black budget operations and created a financial transparency vehicle. The government attacked, bankrupted her, sounded like also created a serious family rift. But she held to her principles, fought the government for 7 (?) years, won and started over from scratch. She started promoting her concept (solari circles) of local, decentralized living. Her belief is that we can get out from under this New World Order by not complying, taking our money out and supporting things that support our local communities. As she points out, when you buy at Walmart, that money instantly leaves your community. She stresses how much power depositors have due to fractional banking - but I would REALLY like to know what she thinks about the bank situation now. To me, it looks like the Fed has pulled the plug on the regional and small banks. There's a bank called Custodia Bank that sounds like there might be an interesting story behind it. Kim Iverson says it might be the safest bank in the country but the FDIC has rejected its becoming a member.
I agree re CAF. She is amazing. Then, as for your comment, "it looks like the Fed has pulled the plug on the regional and small banks." Yes, it deliberately is, according to people like Greg Mannarino. By the way, I subscribe to his Substack. Excellent. https://gregorymannarino.substack.com
One thing. Thanks for letting me know these things. Then, maybe there's something to it - what if we see how our truth detector is not working. I've had that experience. In fact, one thing I've noticed is that sometimes I have inner hissy fits against info that goes against what I believe is info. It's been vital to not let those inner hissy fits block my taking in the info. But how did those inner hissy fits get there? I usually love taking in info, even info that goes against what I believe is true. So in that way I resonate with CAFs experience.
Yeah the inner hissy fit is almost like a warning system. I've had the same with Dr Malone, who is also contradictory. Another guy that annoys me is the dollar vigilante.
I think she has good information.
But I get the same information from others.
I just don't feel like I can connect with her interviews and shows. I still read things she writes here and there.
I just don't find a need to listen to her stuff anymore.
We're lucky in these days that many are reporting this stuff.
Decades ago, I used to have to listen to coast to coast am late night to sometimes find good information among the disinfo lol.
Thanks for your perspective. I will listen for similar stuff.
Catherine - love her. My guess is you'll come to appreciate her.
Then, here are a few interviews with G Edward Griffin:
013 - Interview 794 - G. Edward Griffin Unmasks the Creature from Jekyll Island
2010 - AMA 21 – The Creature from Jekyll Island with G. Edward Griffin
G. Edward Griffins
“Is it too late to save America?” — G. Edward Griffin
Brink of Totalitarianism; Get Out of the Banks, Own Physical Warns Jekyll Author
And here he is, interviewing someone else - found it brilliant - in terms of the long-term control of the education by the predator cohort:
Here is the interview of Norman Dodd by G Edward Griffin re “Charitable Institutions” taking over content of education:
The Dodd Report: