I am afraid that we need a 100% breakdown of that system.
What if you were met with a nurse that had 3 hours of time me to listen to your story, about what was going on. That you were met with 100% attention. A person that used tapping, deep breathing to help you out of instinct stress. After hearing about you problems the doctor ordinated daily long walks, exercises, and trauma work. Maybe this person got solved the root cause to his problems. And even it was a big investment, he might be equipped to stop the unhealthy habits he got, food, mind, body.
Maybe he did not go to doctors as often after this.
Agreed, but it needs time to transition and the suddeness of the breakdown is causing suffering and distress. ps I have addendum to the post which supports your idea of 100% increase in excess of people being ill - in fact it is 3500% increase!
The nhs has been sabotaged for a long time and modern health care is pretty useless for chronic conditions ( mostly caused by external toxins including drug side effects) so just a couple of factors to add to the absolute failure plus the huge push of big pharma for subscription based medicine not working fiscally with publicly funded medicine. But I’m not an insider. I remember pre pandemic when they would physically mail you your appointment date which often came after your actual appointment. It’s been under going government sabotage for a long time. They still seem to do hospice very well. So there’s that. Meanwhile as a herbalist there’s so much you can do for chronic issues that it’s not much missed. Allopathic medicine works very well for acute issues and that seems to be plugging along.
Thanks for this. Yes on the letters on appointments or more usually cancellations of an appointment arriving two days after the appointment was due here too!
My experience in the last few years is that once you get to be a bit older (I’m 67) the NHS won’t leave you alone. I get frequent text messages telling me that an appointment has been made for me to see a nurse practitioner for a wellness check. Having been to a couple when I was young and naive, ie when I was 64) I now know that this is about increasing existing medication and strong arming you into taking statins. I have stopped taking any prescription medicines and am taking my own chances with supplements and lifestyle changes. I politely refuse all their texts and phone calls now. I still get the cancer screenings when they are on offer, but I’m even questioning that kind of intervention.
However, if you do get sick, you can forget about getting any kind of primary care appointment; it’s nigh on impossible. So the obvious conclusion is that the NHS is only interested in you if you’re healthy.
I was pretty sceptical about the NHS pre-2020 because it seemed to me that primary care incentives were all wrong. Doctors are rewarded for shoving more and more pills at people. But post 2020 things got so much worse. Somehow in 2021, the NHS found the resources to badger and bully me into accepting a jab that I thought was extremely dodgy. The more I refused the more they persisted and the more I became convinced that it was a very bad thing. Finally, I must have persuaded them that I was never going to accept their evil jab because they let me be, but it was quite a campaign of attrition while it lasted.
Thank you. Yes this is also matches experience here - my parents have also been hounded to get statins and to have the last jab, and to get blood tests for glucose levels - as someone in the responses I included in the post says, they get money for meeting diabetes targets.
Well, they can’t very well complain the pharmacy is overwhelmed if they’re strong arming people into getting statins. Ugh. I’m so frustrated for the people of the UK
Data has emerged that there has been a massive increase in disability benefits claims, and hence presumably chronic conditions, since 2021, which would go some way to explain the overwhelm of the system (see graphic and link in the post).
Here in Aus, we had no issues with GP visits whatsoever until the beginning of this month (July 2023). All of a sudden our regular GP changed from bulk billing to private billing, meaning visits now cost us $70 up front with a rebate of $40 through Aussie Medicare, so out of pocket $30. Other GPs we visited in our local area started doing the same thing. This may have been a recent reform in Medicare law after Labor took power in early 2022.
My wife recently had glaucoma surgery in Sydney. No issues except the morons still demanding use of masks in the hospital. I smiled and walked my naked face right on in.
Bulk billed is zero; private billing you pay up front and then send medicare an (online) rebate form and they credit it back into your nominated bank account. Private insurance i dont know as Ive never had it
As convid and the plandemic kicked off all of these measures were immediately implemented all over Spain. Elderly people in rural communities were sent hundreds of miles to submit to PCR testing before being able to step into a doctors office for a consultation for something totally unrelated to convid. And even then (as was the case with my own mother) the doctor would not see anyone in person. They were all sent to the local hospital emergency room to wait long hours just to be fobbed off with basic treatment.
For three years, people have been subjected to the mask rules in all public areas, whittling down in the last year to "medical" environments including the local chemist and all public transportation. Of course, I don't believe any of this was necessary even in "medical" environments because the mask studies are quite clear that it's all just for show and to keep people in a constant state of fear and submission.
I hope this doesn't all come flooding back in the winter months to come, but it looks like we're not done with this scam yet. All I can hope for is that more people say no this time around.
Again, the system has the potential to be reformed from within with every new wave of doctors coming into the system. I came across trainee doctors twenty years ago in the UK and more and more of them were specializing in Ayur Veda or other preventative medicine alternatives so I think the reformation of medicine will take place (as much as possible) from within and from without the existing system and this depends more than anything on the continuous education of the general public in these matters.
Long time no chat ... information overload here in Japan.
Just thought I would mention that something a bit strange is happening in Japan now.
Some kind of bug is going around. It is consistently 37°C here in Tokyo, high humidity, but flu-like symptoms are popping up. I've got a hacking cough and some sinus congestion myself, and there seems to be a nation-wide 'shortage' of medications for treating some symptoms such as high fever.
I would imagine you are downwind from some nasty Chinese pollution plumes. "Bugs" don't really exist IMO, at least not in the way described by medical textbooks, but whole areas can come down with similar detox symptoms either simultaneously or in staggered fashion creating the illusion that something id "going around."
Perhaps they have much less doctors and nurses cause the wankers fired some due to mandates and others had to retire cause of the shit-tastic jabs injuring them.
Yes, a factor, but in the end they didn't mandate this, because they knew this would cause too many to leave. Not the case for those working in Private carehomes though, who were mandated.
This all sounds dire. I am British but have lived in Belgium for 40+ years. I used to be told that the healthcare system in Belgium was good (I gave up visiting conventional doctors many years ago as I became totally disillusioned when I developed chronic fatigue in my early 20s ans had to start a long journey into the world of self education and alternative doctors/practitioners). I don’t think the Belgian system is quite so good but my husband manages to see the doctor round the corner the same day on the rare occasions he needs - something I think most in the U.K. would give their eye teeth for. Of course we do need to pay a bit but I do actually have a wonderful GP who I see maybe once a year maximum for a check-up. I pay maybe €65 for about 45 mins and get about €25 back. We spend time talking about lifestyle medicine - the talking is important especially when he is a busy man.
I am at the point where I feel I would like to be closer to family in Scotland but my Scottish husband (I am English) is reluctant to return. I feel one of his greatest reservations in the health system in the U.K. Although I will try and manage with my supplements (before governments worldwide try to ban them?), nutrition and alternative practitioners, he is far more orthodox and as we near 70 who can tell.
It sounds dramatic but I feel that I am therefore faced with the situation of spending the rest of my days 100 of miles from my family simply in case we become Iill because the U.K. cannot manage a decent healthcare system.
What we need of course is a 180° shift in the way we think about healthcare and people need to be involved in this. There has been no finer example of how not to deal with health unfortunately than the past 3 years where everything we did went counter to preserving health.
Yes, it must be a big dilemma, and a worry. Can you say anything about the assisted suicide situation in Belgium - I hear it is quite advanced there - I greatly fear that this is coming to the UK in order to relieve some of the burden on the NHS. Evidence that this was already implemented in the UK during the pandemic with the Midazolam scandal.
I can’t say that I have much knowledge of the subject. I am aware of a friend of a friend with end-stage cancer who used the system but nothing else. The situation in Canada is also alarming.
And dont worry too much about supplement supply, we do all the same with herbs which are still amazingly abundant. Lots of great herbalist around to show you how to have your own medicine or provide you with theirs.
It's clear that we need to transform the existing human and animal healthcare systems into something that actually cares about our health!
If that's not possible (new doctors and nurses are still heavily indoctrinated with outdated medical knowledge) then we must walk away and simply create our own clinics based on preventative healthcare and the reliance on allopathic medical treatments will naturally subside.
The problem with this type of thinking, of course, is that the interim period becomes chaotic, supply chains fail for all types of complex drugs and equipment, because the numbers begin to not add up and the "industry" begins to implode in on itself, the workers become stressed and disillusioned, and the "shop" (hospitals, medical centers) has to close down.
This needs to happen anyway. We need to develop a deep knowledge of the natural world around us and all that it has to offer. Hemp was to be the wonder material for the whole world until the oil industry shoved it to one side, almost to be forgotten. There's no reason why this can't be reversed but it will take a concerted effort and relearning of what's actually possible using a more natural approach.
Curiously enough, this sounds EXACTLY like what is happening to healthcare (at lest in rural areas) in the USA. Neither government or the health professions have dealt directly or well enough with those two "grey eminences" in our alledgedly different systems, pharmaceutical corporations and private (or in the UK, privatizing) insurance.
Yes, I can believe the US is having its own problems, and that rural areas are having particular issues [must be the case here too, a total lack of provision] - animals probably get better healthcare from vets than humans from doctors!
Be careful what you wish for... the vet industry has been horribly (IMO) "allopathicised" to the point where they are poisoning animals and then treating them for all the fallout similar to the human "healthcare" industry. And just as with human healthcare there exist vets that lean more towards holistic prevention and treatment. As long as there is choice, I think we'll have a good shot at transforming the existing shoddy paradigm into something more palatable and more closely resembling actual healthcare.
Our surgery here in Devon runs exactly as you have described. EXACTLY. It reminds me of the plandemic when the exact same narrative was being dispense around the world. The “build back better” motto, the “stay home, save lives”, the “safe and effective” narrative, until the world found out they had been duped.
A month ago it was 48 hr wait for prescriptions. Suddenly it is now a one week wait. How this solves anything is a mystery. Needed surtures removed from face after skin cancer surgery. No appts available. Had to go to the small hospital to have them removed. Got there at 7:50, when unit opened there were 12 people behind me. The nurse practitioner who removed the sutures, asked why I didn’t go to the surgery? I explained. So there is also,NO communication between the gp surgery and the cottage hospital. We have tried to stay away from the GP surgery over the years so that when we did need it, it would be there for us. Unfortunately, things are getting worse, not better. The NHS is on its needs despite all the mo eu thrown at it. 7.5 million on waiting lists. How did this happen?
Thank you for this. Yes, the fact that it is exactly duplicated elsewhere around the country makes me think it is engineered to be this way too. Yes also no communication between GP and Hospitals here too - forgot to include that one, so thanks for highlighting it. Also cancellations letters for hospital appointments arriving two days after the appointment was due to be held.
I appreciate this boots on the ground report. I’m troubled by the level of apologists in the responses. Judging by excess deaths, it’s difficult to buy in to the theory that people are just unwilling to tolerate a cough for a couple days.
It is bad yet good too! I am hoping that people will take their health into their own hands. It will be difficult for those used to the disempowerment that this system put them in - go to the doctors' get the prescription and pop your pills.
Yet, there's no health in allopathic 'care'. Health lies in the environment and life style.
I agree, there is some element which is positive as it will force folks to unlearn their learned helplessness and take responsibility for their own health. I tell my parents that they don't want to get ill in this country.
I did read the other day that a newly built immigration (non) removal center had it's own doctors and nurses present 24/7, along with a good restaurant and great chefs.
The WiFi was allegedly a bit slow though, so they complained.........
Our current government (and the other two parties) need to have their asses handed to them and banned from ever setting foot in Westminster again.
Yes there was an interview with local residents [Portland?] who reported that their healthcare was much as I describe in the post. The residents on the boat get there own dedicated nurse and doctor. The government response? "Well, we don't want them to be take up time of the local GP services"!
It's hard to believe that any government could accidentally be so out of touch with their voters.
I've believed for a long time, that some Western governments are trying to incite their populations to rebel and start a civil war, so martial law can be implemented , as a necessary step to an enforced social credit society.
I am afraid that we need a 100% breakdown of that system.
What if you were met with a nurse that had 3 hours of time me to listen to your story, about what was going on. That you were met with 100% attention. A person that used tapping, deep breathing to help you out of instinct stress. After hearing about you problems the doctor ordinated daily long walks, exercises, and trauma work. Maybe this person got solved the root cause to his problems. And even it was a big investment, he might be equipped to stop the unhealthy habits he got, food, mind, body.
Maybe he did not go to doctors as often after this.
maybe it is ok that the old systems breaks down?
Agreed, but it needs time to transition and the suddeness of the breakdown is causing suffering and distress. ps I have addendum to the post which supports your idea of 100% increase in excess of people being ill - in fact it is 3500% increase!
The nhs has been sabotaged for a long time and modern health care is pretty useless for chronic conditions ( mostly caused by external toxins including drug side effects) so just a couple of factors to add to the absolute failure plus the huge push of big pharma for subscription based medicine not working fiscally with publicly funded medicine. But I’m not an insider. I remember pre pandemic when they would physically mail you your appointment date which often came after your actual appointment. It’s been under going government sabotage for a long time. They still seem to do hospice very well. So there’s that. Meanwhile as a herbalist there’s so much you can do for chronic issues that it’s not much missed. Allopathic medicine works very well for acute issues and that seems to be plugging along.
Thanks for this. Yes on the letters on appointments or more usually cancellations of an appointment arriving two days after the appointment was due here too!
My experience in the last few years is that once you get to be a bit older (I’m 67) the NHS won’t leave you alone. I get frequent text messages telling me that an appointment has been made for me to see a nurse practitioner for a wellness check. Having been to a couple when I was young and naive, ie when I was 64) I now know that this is about increasing existing medication and strong arming you into taking statins. I have stopped taking any prescription medicines and am taking my own chances with supplements and lifestyle changes. I politely refuse all their texts and phone calls now. I still get the cancer screenings when they are on offer, but I’m even questioning that kind of intervention.
However, if you do get sick, you can forget about getting any kind of primary care appointment; it’s nigh on impossible. So the obvious conclusion is that the NHS is only interested in you if you’re healthy.
I was pretty sceptical about the NHS pre-2020 because it seemed to me that primary care incentives were all wrong. Doctors are rewarded for shoving more and more pills at people. But post 2020 things got so much worse. Somehow in 2021, the NHS found the resources to badger and bully me into accepting a jab that I thought was extremely dodgy. The more I refused the more they persisted and the more I became convinced that it was a very bad thing. Finally, I must have persuaded them that I was never going to accept their evil jab because they let me be, but it was quite a campaign of attrition while it lasted.
Thank you. Yes this is also matches experience here - my parents have also been hounded to get statins and to have the last jab, and to get blood tests for glucose levels - as someone in the responses I included in the post says, they get money for meeting diabetes targets.
Well, they can’t very well complain the pharmacy is overwhelmed if they’re strong arming people into getting statins. Ugh. I’m so frustrated for the people of the UK
Just ignore them. Don't give them your attention and energy!
Your pure blood status is recorded on their database, as is mine.
They have not forgotten.
Just tell them to piss off whenever they push the jabs.
Data has emerged that there has been a massive increase in disability benefits claims, and hence presumably chronic conditions, since 2021, which would go some way to explain the overwhelm of the system (see graphic and link in the post).
Pertinent new data about disability numbers in the UK https://phinancetechnologies.com/HumanityProjects/PIP%20Analysis-Causes.htm
Here in Aus, we had no issues with GP visits whatsoever until the beginning of this month (July 2023). All of a sudden our regular GP changed from bulk billing to private billing, meaning visits now cost us $70 up front with a rebate of $40 through Aussie Medicare, so out of pocket $30. Other GPs we visited in our local area started doing the same thing. This may have been a recent reform in Medicare law after Labor took power in early 2022.
My wife recently had glaucoma surgery in Sydney. No issues except the morons still demanding use of masks in the hospital. I smiled and walked my naked face right on in.
Glad to hear this is not everywhere, and hope the recent change isn't a sign of things to come. How do you pay for healthcare in Aus?
Bulk billed is zero; private billing you pay up front and then send medicare an (online) rebate form and they credit it back into your nominated bank account. Private insurance i dont know as Ive never had it
As convid and the plandemic kicked off all of these measures were immediately implemented all over Spain. Elderly people in rural communities were sent hundreds of miles to submit to PCR testing before being able to step into a doctors office for a consultation for something totally unrelated to convid. And even then (as was the case with my own mother) the doctor would not see anyone in person. They were all sent to the local hospital emergency room to wait long hours just to be fobbed off with basic treatment.
For three years, people have been subjected to the mask rules in all public areas, whittling down in the last year to "medical" environments including the local chemist and all public transportation. Of course, I don't believe any of this was necessary even in "medical" environments because the mask studies are quite clear that it's all just for show and to keep people in a constant state of fear and submission.
I hope this doesn't all come flooding back in the winter months to come, but it looks like we're not done with this scam yet. All I can hope for is that more people say no this time around.
Again, the system has the potential to be reformed from within with every new wave of doctors coming into the system. I came across trainee doctors twenty years ago in the UK and more and more of them were specializing in Ayur Veda or other preventative medicine alternatives so I think the reformation of medicine will take place (as much as possible) from within and from without the existing system and this depends more than anything on the continuous education of the general public in these matters.
Hi Gary.
Long time no chat ... information overload here in Japan.
Just thought I would mention that something a bit strange is happening in Japan now.
Some kind of bug is going around. It is consistently 37°C here in Tokyo, high humidity, but flu-like symptoms are popping up. I've got a hacking cough and some sinus congestion myself, and there seems to be a nation-wide 'shortage' of medications for treating some symptoms such as high fever.
The plandemic continues to unfold.
All the same, cheers.
And keep up the good fight.
May you feel better soon. And may you have some chicken soup with ginger and lemon!
Thank you Transcriber B.
And you, stay healthy, and keep up the good fight.
I would imagine you are downwind from some nasty Chinese pollution plumes. "Bugs" don't really exist IMO, at least not in the way described by medical textbooks, but whole areas can come down with similar detox symptoms either simultaneously or in staggered fashion creating the illusion that something id "going around."
I highly recommend this learning series... https://theendofcovid.com/learning-center/
Perhaps they have much less doctors and nurses cause the wankers fired some due to mandates and others had to retire cause of the shit-tastic jabs injuring them.
Yes, a factor, but in the end they didn't mandate this, because they knew this would cause too many to leave. Not the case for those working in Private carehomes though, who were mandated.
This all sounds dire. I am British but have lived in Belgium for 40+ years. I used to be told that the healthcare system in Belgium was good (I gave up visiting conventional doctors many years ago as I became totally disillusioned when I developed chronic fatigue in my early 20s ans had to start a long journey into the world of self education and alternative doctors/practitioners). I don’t think the Belgian system is quite so good but my husband manages to see the doctor round the corner the same day on the rare occasions he needs - something I think most in the U.K. would give their eye teeth for. Of course we do need to pay a bit but I do actually have a wonderful GP who I see maybe once a year maximum for a check-up. I pay maybe €65 for about 45 mins and get about €25 back. We spend time talking about lifestyle medicine - the talking is important especially when he is a busy man.
I am at the point where I feel I would like to be closer to family in Scotland but my Scottish husband (I am English) is reluctant to return. I feel one of his greatest reservations in the health system in the U.K. Although I will try and manage with my supplements (before governments worldwide try to ban them?), nutrition and alternative practitioners, he is far more orthodox and as we near 70 who can tell.
It sounds dramatic but I feel that I am therefore faced with the situation of spending the rest of my days 100 of miles from my family simply in case we become Iill because the U.K. cannot manage a decent healthcare system.
What we need of course is a 180° shift in the way we think about healthcare and people need to be involved in this. There has been no finer example of how not to deal with health unfortunately than the past 3 years where everything we did went counter to preserving health.
Yes, it must be a big dilemma, and a worry. Can you say anything about the assisted suicide situation in Belgium - I hear it is quite advanced there - I greatly fear that this is coming to the UK in order to relieve some of the burden on the NHS. Evidence that this was already implemented in the UK during the pandemic with the Midazolam scandal.
I can’t say that I have much knowledge of the subject. I am aware of a friend of a friend with end-stage cancer who used the system but nothing else. The situation in Canada is also alarming.
And dont worry too much about supplement supply, we do all the same with herbs which are still amazingly abundant. Lots of great herbalist around to show you how to have your own medicine or provide you with theirs.
It's clear that we need to transform the existing human and animal healthcare systems into something that actually cares about our health!
If that's not possible (new doctors and nurses are still heavily indoctrinated with outdated medical knowledge) then we must walk away and simply create our own clinics based on preventative healthcare and the reliance on allopathic medical treatments will naturally subside.
The problem with this type of thinking, of course, is that the interim period becomes chaotic, supply chains fail for all types of complex drugs and equipment, because the numbers begin to not add up and the "industry" begins to implode in on itself, the workers become stressed and disillusioned, and the "shop" (hospitals, medical centers) has to close down.
This needs to happen anyway. We need to develop a deep knowledge of the natural world around us and all that it has to offer. Hemp was to be the wonder material for the whole world until the oil industry shoved it to one side, almost to be forgotten. There's no reason why this can't be reversed but it will take a concerted effort and relearning of what's actually possible using a more natural approach.
I agree - alternative systems and other options are the answer.
Curiously enough, this sounds EXACTLY like what is happening to healthcare (at lest in rural areas) in the USA. Neither government or the health professions have dealt directly or well enough with those two "grey eminences" in our alledgedly different systems, pharmaceutical corporations and private (or in the UK, privatizing) insurance.
Yes, I can believe the US is having its own problems, and that rural areas are having particular issues [must be the case here too, a total lack of provision] - animals probably get better healthcare from vets than humans from doctors!
Be careful what you wish for... the vet industry has been horribly (IMO) "allopathicised" to the point where they are poisoning animals and then treating them for all the fallout similar to the human "healthcare" industry. And just as with human healthcare there exist vets that lean more towards holistic prevention and treatment. As long as there is choice, I think we'll have a good shot at transforming the existing shoddy paradigm into something more palatable and more closely resembling actual healthcare.
Our surgery here in Devon runs exactly as you have described. EXACTLY. It reminds me of the plandemic when the exact same narrative was being dispense around the world. The “build back better” motto, the “stay home, save lives”, the “safe and effective” narrative, until the world found out they had been duped.
A month ago it was 48 hr wait for prescriptions. Suddenly it is now a one week wait. How this solves anything is a mystery. Needed surtures removed from face after skin cancer surgery. No appts available. Had to go to the small hospital to have them removed. Got there at 7:50, when unit opened there were 12 people behind me. The nurse practitioner who removed the sutures, asked why I didn’t go to the surgery? I explained. So there is also,NO communication between the gp surgery and the cottage hospital. We have tried to stay away from the GP surgery over the years so that when we did need it, it would be there for us. Unfortunately, things are getting worse, not better. The NHS is on its needs despite all the mo eu thrown at it. 7.5 million on waiting lists. How did this happen?
Thank you for this. Yes, the fact that it is exactly duplicated elsewhere around the country makes me think it is engineered to be this way too. Yes also no communication between GP and Hospitals here too - forgot to include that one, so thanks for highlighting it. Also cancellations letters for hospital appointments arriving two days after the appointment was due to be held.
I appreciate this boots on the ground report. I’m troubled by the level of apologists in the responses. Judging by excess deaths, it’s difficult to buy in to the theory that people are just unwilling to tolerate a cough for a couple days.
It is bad yet good too! I am hoping that people will take their health into their own hands. It will be difficult for those used to the disempowerment that this system put them in - go to the doctors' get the prescription and pop your pills.
Yet, there's no health in allopathic 'care'. Health lies in the environment and life style.
I agree, there is some element which is positive as it will force folks to unlearn their learned helplessness and take responsibility for their own health. I tell my parents that they don't want to get ill in this country.
I did read the other day that a newly built immigration (non) removal center had it's own doctors and nurses present 24/7, along with a good restaurant and great chefs.
The WiFi was allegedly a bit slow though, so they complained.........
Our current government (and the other two parties) need to have their asses handed to them and banned from ever setting foot in Westminster again.
Yes there was an interview with local residents [Portland?] who reported that their healthcare was much as I describe in the post. The residents on the boat get there own dedicated nurse and doctor. The government response? "Well, we don't want them to be take up time of the local GP services"!
It's hard to believe that any government could accidentally be so out of touch with their voters.
I've believed for a long time, that some Western governments are trying to incite their populations to rebel and start a civil war, so martial law can be implemented , as a necessary step to an enforced social credit society.