And I'd add, in addition to loss of physical work and its exercise - so good for the body and mind (and emotions and spirit) - is the overall disconnect to nature which has been profound. Office buildings are not our natural habitat. God help us with that article lighting all day!
Reminds me of a Joe Dispenza book I read a while back on what happens when our bodies get used to running on survival instincts.
Helpful material - and that's the really nice part - these things can be addressed and often with very simple changes. Thank you both.
We are all different and yet similar. But to me, that's the point of our existence as unique fractals of the human organism. We are learning, albeit slowly, that no one-size fits all. Indeed, until each of us is ready to embark on our own unique healing journey, and to realise that all of our ease and dis-ease is held in the depths of the subtle, unseen realms of the psyche/etheric and that this will expressed in the physical form at some, possibly pre-destined time and space, the seeking of any kind of quick fix or standardised approach is, to me, futile. We so easily give our power away to the so-called healer/mechanics, to a supplement, to a drug, to all kinds of modalities and approaches prescribed and recommended by others as having worked for them. These might work for us too... or they might be part if our breadcrumb trail to something that resonates better with us. When the unseen becomes seen, in the waking reality of our lives, is when the true healing can begin. It's an inside job.
I am very conscious about stress in my life. I see part of their source as the false dependencies for support and security. The solution that I have found is to create little moments of scheduled order. For example, this is the first day of the month. I pay all my bills on this day. And I can do that within the space of about an hour. So, in my mind, this one hour every month is organized around relieving the stress of bill payment. As a result, I released from the stress of missing a payment, for example. Creating order is really helpful, as long as you respect the order and live by it.
My grand father died soon after my grand mother. I have no doubt that he did not know what to do with his life after that. She was a calm person. I would like to know more about her life and how she became the person she was. She was not very talkative but had her opinions. A good balance to my choleric grandfather
That makes perfect sense.
And I'd add, in addition to loss of physical work and its exercise - so good for the body and mind (and emotions and spirit) - is the overall disconnect to nature which has been profound. Office buildings are not our natural habitat. God help us with that article lighting all day!
Reminds me of a Joe Dispenza book I read a while back on what happens when our bodies get used to running on survival instincts.
Helpful material - and that's the really nice part - these things can be addressed and often with very simple changes. Thank you both.
We have the same system. I choose not to use in every account to maintain awareness of my finances.
We are all different and yet similar. But to me, that's the point of our existence as unique fractals of the human organism. We are learning, albeit slowly, that no one-size fits all. Indeed, until each of us is ready to embark on our own unique healing journey, and to realise that all of our ease and dis-ease is held in the depths of the subtle, unseen realms of the psyche/etheric and that this will expressed in the physical form at some, possibly pre-destined time and space, the seeking of any kind of quick fix or standardised approach is, to me, futile. We so easily give our power away to the so-called healer/mechanics, to a supplement, to a drug, to all kinds of modalities and approaches prescribed and recommended by others as having worked for them. These might work for us too... or they might be part if our breadcrumb trail to something that resonates better with us. When the unseen becomes seen, in the waking reality of our lives, is when the true healing can begin. It's an inside job.
I am very conscious about stress in my life. I see part of their source as the false dependencies for support and security. The solution that I have found is to create little moments of scheduled order. For example, this is the first day of the month. I pay all my bills on this day. And I can do that within the space of about an hour. So, in my mind, this one hour every month is organized around relieving the stress of bill payment. As a result, I released from the stress of missing a payment, for example. Creating order is really helpful, as long as you respect the order and live by it.
In Denmark all recurrent bills can be paid via your bank electronically and without hands on. Hope it will come to your country as well :-)
people actually die from broken hearts
My grand father died soon after my grand mother. I have no doubt that he did not know what to do with his life after that. She was a calm person. I would like to know more about her life and how she became the person she was. She was not very talkative but had her opinions. A good balance to my choleric grandfather
Have you tried to be really nerdy with that? Most people have no idea of how small details they need to go into before they stop thinking.
Here is one of my clients:
Nope, 30 years experience with auto-immune. Whether or not stress provoked it, reduction of stress did nothing to cure it. Antibiotics did.