Reading your essay today, I am reminded of a remark that Albert Einstein made while teaching at Oxford University.


An assistant asked Albert Einstein why he gave his graduate students the same exam as last year.


Einstein answered that he was not worried, "it is exactly the same exam, the questions are the same, but the answers have changed since last year."

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For the last few months I have been going to a free zoom several times per week through a group called IFS peers. It has been very helpful to share and hear others share what it is to recognize these parts of our personalities that seem to have split off somehow during times of trauma or intensity. I read the book you mention about a year ago, and it made so much sense to me. Of course there are times in our lives that we would rather forget, or even convince ourselves hadn't happened. Many if not most of us have intense moments all the time, and especially in childhood ... because of the expectations humans have placed on each other and ourselves. There is no such thing as independence for example. No one can survive without anyone else. Everything we use or eat or otherwise consume was made or fashioned or grown by someone else in one way or another. The concepts of time and money are prisons we humans have built for ourselves imho. Bravo Gary for sharing this in such a thoughtful way.

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Thankyou for this. Is the IFS peer group lead by an IFS therapist?

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No, it's a peer led group, much like AA meetings. But there are often folks there who are trained on various levels of IFS.

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And it's free. https://linktr.ee/ifspeers

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