It can be hard for new writers without established followings to start breaking through on Substack. I love this idea of supporting writers at the start of their SS journey. So I vote yea!
Gut microbiota of Parkinson’s disease in an appendectomy cohort: a preliminary study In patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD), α-synuclein pathology is thought to spread to the brain via the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve. The link between the gut microbiome and PD has been explored in various studies. The appendix might play an important role in immunity by maintaining the microbiota as a reservoir. In recent times, appendectomy has been linked to a lower risk of PD, possibly owing to the role of the appendix in altering the gut microbiome. We aimed to elucidate whether the gut microbiota affects PD development in the appendectomy cohort. We analyzed the fecal microbial composition in patients with PD and healthy controls with and without a history of appendectomy. The abundance of microbes from the family Enterobacteriaceae was higher in feces samples from patients with Parkinson’s disease compared to that in samples collected from healthy controls. Furthermore, there was a significant phylogenetic difference between patients with PD and healthy controls who had undergone appendectomy. There was a significant phylogenetic difference between patients with PD and HCs who had undergone APP. These results suggest the correlation between gut microbiota and PD in patients who have undergone APP.
I have been enjoying and benefiting from your writing for years. Thank you for the introduction. I hope my experiences will be helpful to others.
It can be hard for new writers without established followings to start breaking through on Substack. I love this idea of supporting writers at the start of their SS journey. So I vote yea!
Try writing two substacks at the same time!
Thanks for these recommendations, Gary. I’ll be checking each one out today as time allows.
Humbled ☝️👌😊👍
grateful and touched by your generosity of spirit, Gary, in this. Special regards. Musing now on follow-up!
I appreciate the inclusion! Thank you for highlighting these perspectives.
I think including more voices is an important part of 'leveling the playing field'!
Thought this new study - open access - is of interest: Published: 07 February 2023
Gut microbiota of Parkinson’s disease in an appendectomy cohort: a preliminary study In patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD), α-synuclein pathology is thought to spread to the brain via the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve. The link between the gut microbiome and PD has been explored in various studies. The appendix might play an important role in immunity by maintaining the microbiota as a reservoir. In recent times, appendectomy has been linked to a lower risk of PD, possibly owing to the role of the appendix in altering the gut microbiome. We aimed to elucidate whether the gut microbiota affects PD development in the appendectomy cohort. We analyzed the fecal microbial composition in patients with PD and healthy controls with and without a history of appendectomy. The abundance of microbes from the family Enterobacteriaceae was higher in feces samples from patients with Parkinson’s disease compared to that in samples collected from healthy controls. Furthermore, there was a significant phylogenetic difference between patients with PD and healthy controls who had undergone appendectomy. There was a significant phylogenetic difference between patients with PD and HCs who had undergone APP. These results suggest the correlation between gut microbiota and PD in patients who have undergone APP.