Excellent piece. We have found that when subjects drink structured water, there is an initial increase urine output (first 2 weeks) as well as a temporary darkening of urine. https://timothywiney.substack.com/p/the-stigma-of-water

If you have Parkinsons, I would recommend reading everything you can find by Dr. Jack Kruse.

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Oh, I've been working on hydration for all my mobility issues. I know I struggle to hydrate no matter how much I drink, so I will start watching the idea of micro movements as well. Other priorities at the moment, bu twill get to it.

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The other parts of the book are also useful, it is not just about drinking water, but the form of the water you take fluids in [where the 4th Phase of Water stuff comes in]. They make the case getting hydration from fruit [the whole fruit not just the juice] is a vital source. Also chia seeds in your fluids are very good.

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Yes, I've just checked the book online. I have heard something similar before and I have been trying to increase the variety of fluids. There is a contraindication here when you are trying to control blood sugar via diet, because the wettest foods I would imagine are the fruits, which are pretty much forbidden, and I have been slowly re-introducing fruits to see what impact they have on my blood sugar. I have re-introduced cucumber and apple, without any spikes in sugar, so I think I will get this book or find the diet online to see what it entails. Since "covid" I developed what looked like varicose veins, but clearly are not because they come and go. When I concentrate on keeping my fluids up, they go. I finally associated them with POTS (although I do not get the tachycardia of POTS) which is a condition of too little blood in the body, meaning the heart struggles to get the blood to the head. Medicine has yet to work out how to get us to produce and maintain more blood volume. All so interesting. Long covid is leading us down very interesting and until now, neglected pathways. But I have never come across the micro movements stuff before.

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I think the theory with fruit and vegetables is that if you ingest the sugar as part of the whole - i.e. with the pulp and fiber, then the sugar release out of the gut is slowed down, so you don't get the spikes, while just drinking the juice without the fiber means it goes straight through your system, and creates big spikes.

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Fascia has always been tough for me to understand but that grapefruit analogy along with the rest of the video made it more clear for me.

I like the idea of micro-movements being a part of hydration. I'll have to look into that book.

Thank you.

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Glad it was helpful!

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Dec 21, 2023Liked by Gary Sharpe


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Thank you for the reminder. I think of a series of movements I do for my back - for strength and flexibility. On one move, there are the words: feel how the water is flowing through your fascia.

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Dec 21, 2023Liked by Gary Sharpe


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Thanks, Gary. Really helpful info here. Appreciate your sharing.

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I was trained in micro movement in the 80s through Continuum movement, thinking about it as the smallest possible movement I could make just on the edge of imagination. We learned to do a bunch, maybe ten or so movements, and then rest in open attention and let the body intelligence take over. Essentially stimulating and then waiting to see what might occur, like dropping a pebble into the water and watching the ripple fan out. Sometimes other parts of the body might start to move in response, other times I would do the movements again after a few minutes.

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Seems to me if we drink water and speak to our bodies with love for ourselves that the water we drink will induce healthy vibrations to our bodies for healing.

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I think you are on to an important component.

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Micro movements, feldenkrais method style, are what really get into those spaces of fascia for me. The information can be intense, but all pain is sensation based, and if you are able to go into the sensation and release it slowly, the pain recedes as you've allowed a part of you that is stuck to become open again.

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