Different spelling but, going into 2023, what we do need to do is 'steel' ourselves against whats coming.

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Yeah, that too!

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Yes, preparation is needed.

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A corollary would be “Don’t lie.”

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stealing the truth?

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Yes. Except truth has been so commodified as information/misinformation, that what truth is has been lost. So, don’t steal values that give people purpose and meaning by turning them into political commodities and marketing jingles that never represent reality (truth). I come back to don’t lie. Every lie is a misrepresentation of what is true, a denial of reality, and can only lead to more lies to sustain the original lie. Here we go: because lies steal our humanity and robs us of relationships of respect, trust, and ... dare I say it ... love.

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Merry Christmas! Thanks for the reflections on this.

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Merry Christmas, James.

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Thank you. This strikes a profound chord in me as well. Truth tingles! Those instances & examples invite an embodied & felt response of loss & grief in me. Stealing the energy of another... whether that be the diminution & negation of the life force, gifts , humanity of another human (particularly children), the stealing of another animal's habitat or food source, stealing from Mother Earth & future generations... & as you say the taking of more than a fair share of anything... and the "daylight robbery" inherent within the systems of the still dominant paradigm. Seemingly an endless process. Also, when we hate or resent, we usually focus our attention and intention on a hate target. Our hatred (our own shadow material) is then projected, twisted & vampirically aimed at the target so as to breach their psychic boundaries. It is a form of soul theft. Not only is this harmful to us because we steal (deplete) our own vital energy to power the hatred, it creates imbalance within & further distances us from our own denied & unexpressed shadow material which then slows down our own evolution.

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Thank you for these beautiful words. Yes, I missed that stealing from nature aspect, but those technocrats also want to steal nature from us, by keeping us in mega cities. I also feel that resentment and hatred are some of the biggest "steal" factors, not only from the target but from the resentful person themselves, as this a very pro-inflammatory and toxic state to be in.

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May I share this with my Therapists for Medical Freedom group members? I feel it would be a great article to submit for our next newsletter (you being a guest contributor) as it very much resonates with what we are about (particularly vis a vis gaslighting, the stealing of freedoms, voices,

health, wellness and bodily choices etc). I wouldn't want to "steal" your insights and wisdom without permission!

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Yes, made for sharing!

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I love this. Brilliant. Do not let others steal from you. And do not steal from others.

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Different spelling but, going into 2023, what we do need to do is 'steel' ourselves against whats coming.

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Thank you Gary, enjoyed that - succinct and powerful - explication. A nice expansion. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as well.

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"A rose is still a rose by any other name " — as I often say, in the face of the frequently appalling behaviour of those in positions of responsibly : taking the money and not doing the job, is more accurately called: theft.

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I think there is something deeper: stealing assumes ownership. What we don’t own can’t be stolen. Hence, you will own nothing (property, your body, health, truth) and be happy.

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Yes, they are trying to steal everything, until there is nothing left to steal!

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Thanks Gary for your consistently thought provoking articles. Your mentioning of stealing from ourselves....made me immediately think of family energy "stealers". Or some may say "energy vampires". A member of my family of origin is of that type and I have realized I have a choice to not let this energy drain continue by making different choices. Just being around the person, I feel my energy level dropping, like a dial fast dropping down to zero....that is the immediate image I get and merely being around the person makes me become increasingly restless like must flee immediately. Long history and I've chosen to follow my inner guidance to keep a distance to honor myself. I'd be betraying myself to keep the same actions in play. Reading your post was very timely for me. It helped solidify my stance. Reducing stealing of my energy/ time. Thank you so much and blessings to you this holiday season. 🙏

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Toxic relationships are something that I find in the personal histories of many folks who get diagnosed with a chronic illness. My toxic marriage with such a person was a big part of my decline, and something I am still now working through with Lilian my therapist, years later. Identifying and removing these poisons from our lives is a part of healing in my experience.

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The particular relationship in my life is my father, and my 2 sisters have learned through his example in how to treat/view me. I'd always been labeled the canary in the coalmine during therapy as a teenager many years ago. Years later when I revisited therapy the new therapist had told me it seemed like I kept having hopes for finally having a nourishing relationship with various members of my family and each time it was as though they were luring me in only to seemingly "smack me in the face" once I got close enough. I've had enough. Maybe it's the continuous repetition combined with aging. So the first year since 2019, I am not joining the family gathering. I will find the alone time personally validating and restorative. If I attended, it would be an act of self betrayal. I feel it in the depth of my soul. My husband and 2 grown sons understand me. They will attend. (Although one of my sons also senses his grandpa's energy vampire traits.) I'd always taken a separate vehicle for years prior, to be able to leave early, but still it always had been hours too long. None from my family of origin understood....but who was the sick one growing up? ME! My mother passed away about 20 years ago. She understood me in a quiet way. I'm missing her especially now during such times. Thanks so much, again for your wise words!

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Well, some people steal my heart I don’t mind that. ❤️

Merry Christmas to you and yours, Gary. I’m grateful to have made a connection with you this year.

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Dec 22, 2022
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Looking back, my career was one the biggest impact factors which contributed to my decline. I was lucky that I could retire early. A related daily contributor to stress levels, and a big stealer of time is the daily commute. I keep meaning to write a post on that. Also, we have had some discussion of a retreat where upon being diagnoses, people with parkinson's can go to learn how to relax, cope with stress etc for the first six months of their diagnosis.

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