The way we look at cancer's cause, and mode of operation are extremely outdated, and based in a misunderstanding of how our bodies operate. The whole medical community blames inflammation for things, which they then try to reduce at any cost via drugs.

However at the core, as shown by Harold Saxon Burr, inflammation is an energy (electrical) balance, which, once corrected, allows our system to heal. This is why I'm a proponent of measuring our body voltage, as we then understand how much of an electrical imbalance we have:


Thank you Gary for bringing to light such a vital topic!

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Outstanding Gary! Without first reading all the references, I can say that this correlates well with my sofa-based observations about metabolism: we only have 2 modes, GROWTH and REPAIR; and that the crucial positive effect of INTERMITTENT FASTING is that continual caloric intake throughout the day PREVENTS the body from entering REPAIR MODE. The most noticable result is obesity, where the body obviously is stuck in continuous GROWTH MODE. TYVM for the links.

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Great stuff for my Trello board. Feels like everywhere I turn, people are writing some awesome articles about cancer, constantly expanding my understanding of it. Interesting to point out the psycho-emotional discovery and trigger. It was the first thing an energy healer said to me although it didn’t mean much to me then what it means to me now.

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Feb 16Liked by Gary Sharpe

Love it, love it, love It!!!! I've done some of my own deep dive in looking at cancer from an alternative perspective.

Looking at certain cancer research/studies from this wound healing perspective I would argue makes the picture a little more clear.

Thank you so much.


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Feb 16Liked by Gary Sharpe

You might also be interested in Paul Leenderste at Root Cause Institute, discussing cancer and it’s emotional root causes. At this stage all discussions are valuable, to counter the ineffectual modalities that dominate cancer care.

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The Australian Department of Health advised the nation in 2007 that "one third of citizens did not get enough sleep to maintain normal good health". Five years later it repeated the advice, but found that this now affected half of all Australians.

If one is chronically sleep deprived, healing is just not going to happen.

At the time, I was engaged in surveys of predetermined full demographic corridors and tossed this topic in the pack in 2010, which confirmed the D of H observation but also identified causes of sleep loss: noisey neighbours, barking dogs, and early morning machinery ranging from trade motors and tools, various grass cutters and trimmers, and loud motors (Harleys, teenage motors, etc).

I noted that local governments had extended permissable noise hours from 7 AM to 6:30 AM and that police no longer took uban noise seriously. I also noted a significant reduction in consciousness of the "need for consideration of others" that was a deep component of earlier western culture. Basically, I see this as part of the breakdown of culture generated by the forces of globalisation.

Ergo, any healers attempting to cure or prevent cancers in the communty should be cognizant of the need to shoot all dog owners, brandishers of whipper snippers, leaf blowers, hot rods, Harlies, metal cutters and ceramic drill bits. I would be happy to help with this healing.

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thank you! I truly believe cancer is a healing mechanism. And i very much agree that stress has a huge impact.

Dealing with stress and improving nutrition are at the core of any rational therapeutic intervention.

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İnteresting stuff, Gary

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