Jan 21·edited Jan 21Liked by Gary Sharpe

There's another simpler reason why the shots cause various issues.

Terrain theory explains it better with simple biology, no need for high tech receptor theories.

It also explains why the shot causes many issues but the virus with the same exact "spike protein" does not (though the hospital treatments with remdesevir and strong antibiotics can cause damage).

The shot puts nano lipids, LNPs, and other toxins in your body, bypassing the digestive system.

As we saw with the Japanese Pfizer bio distribution study, these lipids etc remained in key organs including the liver and spleen which handle cleaning the blood of normal debris.

Let that debris pile up, it's like a garbage worker strike in the city and you get a mess.

This junk leads to micro clots all over the body which will affect many processes in the body, including dopamine signaling.

This also applies to past shots which use other toxins, like aluminum and formaldehyde as adjuvants and preservatives. Dr Chris Exley did a lot of work on the connection between aluminum in the brain and autism and Alzheimers.



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Jan 21Liked by Gary Sharpe

Interesting and makes me think of psychoneuroendoimmunology. Happier people tend to get sick less, and people who are engaging in activities that provide them with a just right challenge (which gives optimum dopamine) tend to be happy

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Jan 21Liked by Gary Sharpe

Gary, I try hard to understand this substack. I read and reread. Thank you for presenting this info, our family member with Parkinson’s, 65 years of age, is sent your writings, by me. For a lay person, some of the scientific language and discussion is more difficult to understand, while your recent article about hand movement while clear as a bell.

Thank you.

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Yes, this one is a bit of a deep dive into the nuts and bolts, so is not so pragmatic/directly applicable. I am not sure of the direct relevance to PD.

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Interesting stuff

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Jan 22Liked by Gary Sharpe

Gary I wish you would share the article you speak of, because I am completely convinced that I got PD from having the early form of COVID! I don't think I would have gotten it if I was not going through hell in many other ways too, but I think COVID was the last straw for my body/brain. Here is what I read yesterday. https://neurosciencenews.com/dopamine-covid-25475/ and there is another one from much longer ago. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7683045/#:~:text=An%20accurate%20understanding%20of%20the,in%20the%20form%20of%20parkinsonism.

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The article I found is linked to at the top of my post. Yours seem more directly relevant to PD. Agree that viruses can be a common straw which breaks the camels back, when we are already stressed.

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Jan 22Liked by Gary Sharpe

Found your link after sending my message. But here's what I wonder about now. If COVID is causing PD, then how does that jive with the theory that PD has a ten or more year prodromal period? Maybe it's that anyone can get PD, given the right circumstances. And maybe the prodromal period is mostly a microbiome decline?

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I think it is bit like the saying about banruptcy - I happens slowly at first, then all at once. Using the stress barrel analogy https://garysharpe.substack.com/p/a-bucket-list-of-toxic-things-which - as the barrel is filling for decades we have some background symptoms while remaining semi-functional, then as the barrel overflows the symptoms become very prominent and devastating. If your stress barrel is near the top, and you get covid or vaccine, this can be the thing which causes it to overflow.

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Jan 23Liked by Gary Sharpe

Indeed. And I think there are ways to lower the levels in the barrel, but because of the way our world is currently set up, we can't quite lower it enough to make up for the constant assault that refills it hourly. And if you live in a place like NYC as I do, I think it multiplies!

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Yes, I can see how it is hard to make your nervous system feel safe in a place like NYC where it is not safe. Any chance you can move somewhere less problematic?

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Jan 24Liked by Gary Sharpe

Not as easy as it seems.

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Case studies also showing the vaccine can cause PD like symptoms https://www.mdsabstracts.org/abstract/covid-vaccine-induced-parkinsonism-and-cognitive-dysfunction/

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Quite interesting! Thank you for writing this. Metabolism is complex. It would be shear arrogance to believe that any of us comprehend more than just a small bit of it!

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Have you experimented with nicotine patches to kick the spike out of the ace2 receptors? I have questioned what then kicks the nicotine out so the ace2 receptors can do whatever they are meant to do. The dopamine connection adds a fascinating layer. Please keep it coming if you learn more.

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I will have to follow up and do some digging into the nicotine connection with ACE2... However, there is a connection with Parkinson's and low dopamine - some find nicotine patches helpful, this is because nicotine activates some acetylcholine receptors, and acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter for movement [while dopamine helps motivated or initiate movement]. Doesn't work for me, because I found I am highly allergic to the Nightshades, of which nicotine is one.

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I am currently speculating that some form of natural or man-made parasitic invasion may be the cause of all diseases (a la Hulda Clark). I have never tried to treat FMS with heavy duty anti-parasitics. I have done one round of a Fenbendazole/Ivermectin protocol with no noticeable results for the FMS and am about to start a second round. I am also using other anti-parasitics to try to cover a range of different types of parasites - a bit hit and miss - but worth the effort if the FMS/long covid symptoms subside.

Have you considered parasites as a possible cause of dopamine issues/Parkinsons?


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Gary I am sorry but I seem to be about 2 weeks behind in commenting...


RE: “to receive more than just a ten-minute stressful appointment with one neurologist every six months;”


How do I start my reply to your essay? How does someone with essentially no medical academic credentials (student) dare to stand up and speak up in this crowded amphitheater? Easy for me to say for I have been awarded the label of “Jerk, with the emotional maturity of a 15-year-old” and you know how children blurt things out.


"Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit," Shakespeare’s Polonius in Hamlet


Ha, that was irony in Hamlet and irony now as I have 6 pages of remarks and ideas and do not believe I am finished yet, so I will drop this bookmark here and dash out the door…again, but will return ‘to face the slings and arrows’ of your outraged readers.


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