I could not agree more with all that you say here Gary. And I would love to see all of us critical thinking folks take a look more deeply at our institutions. Because it is the expectation that some leader will do for us multitudes that which we can absolutely do for ourselves that is the original reason we have so many of the issues you wrote about. It is this hierarchical system of governance that is keeping us stuck in these toxic ways ... all of us. It's just that some of us are a bit more sensitive (HSPs maybe?), and our bodies manifest the toxicity plainly. While others manifest in ways they can hide. But no one will be able to hide forever, and I think we may just be in the time of reckoning now, hence so many more are getting "sick". We are not sick imho. We are having a normal reaction to an abnormal set of conditions. HUmans are not meant to live as we all are. Thank you for writing Gary.

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Good points, and I agree!

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One other thing I wanted to share is that when we were at Occupy Wall St here in NYC, many of us used to say "the system is not broken, it's FIXED". In other words it was designed to function this way, and corruption is simply the logical outcome when people are incentivised by expectations and accumulation.

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Just one word of disagreement. In the title, you refer to "weak" leaders. That leaves out too much. Corrupt, mind controlled, evil, psychopathic - those words are more on the right track. I believe it matters not to cover up evil with soft words like "weak."

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Fair point, but I think the leaders at the immediate layer "above" us that we can see, rather than the real powerful - the truly evil ones who we don't see and don't know... this layer... is just "weak" and sociopathic and pawns and puppets of those above them. They are weak precisely because they are controlled, and don't think for themselves they are perhaps not even worthy of stronger words.

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Good points.

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I couldn't agree more. Turn off the TV!

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Among what is needed for those of us currently facing numerous fronts of colonization is a kind of truth and reconciliation process which hopefully extends to reckon with thousands of years of destruction of indigenous cultures, adaptations, and people. I appreciate you looking at the meta-politics of public health - there are numerous interesting and useful aspects to consider.

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This is a great point that we really do not have standards for these leaders as we would for other offices (military, church leadership, etc). One point that I gained a lot from Wharton Professor Stuart Diamond’s book “Getting More” was always bringing standards to the fore in any negotiation (https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B003F3PKSQ/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1698326123&sr=8-1). This list is a step in the right direction!

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Thanks for the book suggestion, I will give it a look.

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Great! It has been instrumental in how I approach unreasonable people. It helps to take the emotion out of the equation while acknowledging the role that emotions play in conflict. Often our greatest stress comes from these conversations with intransigent people in leadership. I’m sure you’ll like its approach. My own emotional investment in conflict has changed thanks to its ingenious methods.

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Yes .. they all need to be held accountable.. We all lost 😞 so many & so much because of the CULLING, let’s call it what it is .. MURDER

but I don’t hold much hope for anyone to be held accountable

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Graphene in vaccine needs COURT proceedings.. not changes to Govt 🤯🤬🤯

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But is sysemic, and includes the courts, judges and lawyers too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4Q71qmhjYM - I don't think you will find any satisfactuon there either..

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Just the graphene? The whole shot is toxic!

I don't get why some focus so hard on one thing.

The legal system is broken, however. The language of legalese is designed to avoid common sense and gives corruption a pass.

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