Grace is the sweet spot, and can only be found when we learn to let go of control I believe. Love that you're trying to find solutions here Gary by focusing on the positive.
Yes I agree, the need to control is both a natural outcome of the childhood traumas many of us have faced, and the need to let go of this is vital for healing.
This is a beautiful article, Gary. I think you're touching on something that's at the heart of our current dis-memberment as societies, cultures, world. And everything feeds our contempt. Before I did Substack, I did a YT called Manufacturing Contempt about the studies on how to make people hate those unvaxxed:
And from my Course in Miracles, what blocks our recognition that we're One and this world is an illusion is our desire to be superior. Contempt is stronger than hate because the person isn't worth the emotion. Slavery is built on contempt and war. And, as you say, contempt is toxicity, poison. Thank you for writing this, and about the antidote.
Yes, they are Manufacturing Contempt - I think that is a good framing of what they are doing, and I agree trying to demonize the unvaxxed was a prime example. It was disappointing and scary to me just how easily people went along with it. Contempt is stronger than hate - this is profound and important, thank you for contributing this.
Very well put- thank you. I recognised myself falling into this contempt trap two years ago. I had lost two jobs, my marriage, my friends and my elderly parents (still alive but haven't seen them for 3 years now). I was bitter and full of contempt for every system I had grown up believing in. I am so grateful that I have found a way out of it. Slowly but surely. It takes work to start with, to be full of grace, to be kind, to recognise when you are feeling disrespectful of your fellow humans. But the good news is, that it does get easier and it is surely the best thing we can all do for each other? To be divided and contemptuous only harms us all.
Mockery and Contempt - I think that Lewis Carrol got it all written down in Alice in Wonderland , but what is it about ? It is the recognition of an aspect of self that is and must remain in the same category , which is neglected . When a person has what I call " Fire In the Walls " - also called Secondary Narcissism , a running commentary with an inner fantasy , they must not allow the inner spirit see anything that it would recognize outside of itself . An abusive husband would not want to visit neighbors where the husband really treats his wife well , an abusive maternal figure would not want to sit at the playground with a mother who lets her kid play the extra hour he needs to really finish the day well . So they hold the other people in contempt , for some reason , real or trumped up , and disallow their right to act like that - so that they will not be held accountable to their inner caged animal spirit . This disorder , the narcissism is so rampant now that its generational . People do not even know they are in it , because it is in our language . But once you see it , it all makes sense . Be aware of mockery , distain , and contempt . Not only in the reception of it , but in the doling it out . Neighbors who snob me , can get me to act likewise . Everytime I remain true to myself , sure , sometimes I lose , and get snubbed again , but at least I have not become one of them .
I agree. Lots and lots of contempt around.- wonderful for distancing us from each other. If we feel disgust, we recoil from the other person. If someone beams disgust in general, it goes all around. And certainly not pleasant when it's beamed at us. More psy-op?? Social distancing in another form.
See my reply to your comment, I agree that this is protective when it comes to the truly pathological. Unfamiliar food is a good example of where disgust is malleable when the thing is not really toxic. We can acquire tastes and cognitively overcome disgust when there is not a threat. We can learn to not only like, but even crave curry or olives as common, primary examples of this. I think there is analogy here for people who are different or foreign to us, but don't represent a threat.
"I feel we will need to become graceful in our own lives, then to extend grace to as many of our fellow humans as possible, reserving judgement for the truly bad apples and evil ones, so we can feel the safety in the huge numbers we really have, against the very small numbers of sociopaths and psychopaths who want to control everything because they can feel nothing but contempt>"
Very insightful, Gary. Beautifully expressed. I completely agree. Here's to more grace for us all!💕
I also recall reading somewhere that contempt is the emotional attitude which dooms interpersonal relationships. The writer maintained it was almost irretrieveable once a relationship drifts from love/tolerance/respect beyond the threshold of dislike/annoyance/frustration into the domain of outright disdain/contempt.
Contempt is reflective of an attitude where one no longer seeks to find common ground, one no longer attempts to understand, the will is is spent and partners are written off as beneath consideration. Bonds of trust and respect being thus severed, individuals become untethered from any shared vision of community and the relationship phase of uniting or sharing ends and parties enter separation, effectively 'othered'.
Yes agree for faeces, infections, dead bodies, etc. But I think it is a more of a mindset when directed at other humans, and is very cultural and malleable. My own relationship with contempt and disgust at other people has changed markedly as I have healed myself, and I can now feel how the hold it had on me made me sick.
I am not fully healed yet, there is still weaning myself of my body and brain relying parkinson's medications to go. But in most ways I am much better than I was even before diagnosis. Fundamentally through change, especially in attitude, as outlined in this post. The longer list of changes I made is here . The things which made the greatest difference was a fascia decompression self-care modality, combined with a talking a therapy with my therapist Lilian Sjoberg, also on substack. Details here
Yes I agree, I do single out the pathocracy in the post. In this case the disgust is well founded, and as you say, and I feel self-protective [that is the purpose as you say]. Those who abuse and exploit and sexualize children in particular, or condone it, I cannot forgive, and those who we have given the benefit of the doubt time and again, but continue to want to destroy, control and cause the rest of suffering need to be excluded from our society.
Grace is the sweet spot, and can only be found when we learn to let go of control I believe. Love that you're trying to find solutions here Gary by focusing on the positive.
Yes I agree, the need to control is both a natural outcome of the childhood traumas many of us have faced, and the need to let go of this is vital for healing.
This is a beautiful article, Gary. I think you're touching on something that's at the heart of our current dis-memberment as societies, cultures, world. And everything feeds our contempt. Before I did Substack, I did a YT called Manufacturing Contempt about the studies on how to make people hate those unvaxxed:
And from my Course in Miracles, what blocks our recognition that we're One and this world is an illusion is our desire to be superior. Contempt is stronger than hate because the person isn't worth the emotion. Slavery is built on contempt and war. And, as you say, contempt is toxicity, poison. Thank you for writing this, and about the antidote.
Yes, they are Manufacturing Contempt - I think that is a good framing of what they are doing, and I agree trying to demonize the unvaxxed was a prime example. It was disappointing and scary to me just how easily people went along with it. Contempt is stronger than hate - this is profound and important, thank you for contributing this.
Very well put- thank you. I recognised myself falling into this contempt trap two years ago. I had lost two jobs, my marriage, my friends and my elderly parents (still alive but haven't seen them for 3 years now). I was bitter and full of contempt for every system I had grown up believing in. I am so grateful that I have found a way out of it. Slowly but surely. It takes work to start with, to be full of grace, to be kind, to recognise when you are feeling disrespectful of your fellow humans. But the good news is, that it does get easier and it is surely the best thing we can all do for each other? To be divided and contemptuous only harms us all.
Thank you for sharing this, and being an exemplar!
Mockery and Contempt - I think that Lewis Carrol got it all written down in Alice in Wonderland , but what is it about ? It is the recognition of an aspect of self that is and must remain in the same category , which is neglected . When a person has what I call " Fire In the Walls " - also called Secondary Narcissism , a running commentary with an inner fantasy , they must not allow the inner spirit see anything that it would recognize outside of itself . An abusive husband would not want to visit neighbors where the husband really treats his wife well , an abusive maternal figure would not want to sit at the playground with a mother who lets her kid play the extra hour he needs to really finish the day well . So they hold the other people in contempt , for some reason , real or trumped up , and disallow their right to act like that - so that they will not be held accountable to their inner caged animal spirit . This disorder , the narcissism is so rampant now that its generational . People do not even know they are in it , because it is in our language . But once you see it , it all makes sense . Be aware of mockery , distain , and contempt . Not only in the reception of it , but in the doling it out . Neighbors who snob me , can get me to act likewise . Everytime I remain true to myself , sure , sometimes I lose , and get snubbed again , but at least I have not become one of them .
Profound and important part of the picture! Thank you for sharing!
I agree. Lots and lots of contempt around.- wonderful for distancing us from each other. If we feel disgust, we recoil from the other person. If someone beams disgust in general, it goes all around. And certainly not pleasant when it's beamed at us. More psy-op?? Social distancing in another form.
Weaponized contempt, or a manufactured contempt virus!
See my reply to your comment, I agree that this is protective when it comes to the truly pathological. Unfamiliar food is a good example of where disgust is malleable when the thing is not really toxic. We can acquire tastes and cognitively overcome disgust when there is not a threat. We can learn to not only like, but even crave curry or olives as common, primary examples of this. I think there is analogy here for people who are different or foreign to us, but don't represent a threat.
Liberalism Is A Romantic Notion.
In Fact It Is The Only Romantic Notion
That Its Victims Can Have
Once They Have Been Pimped Out.
I termed the nightly news on MSM "the 30 minutes of Hate", in recognition of the similar 2 minutes from 1984.
Hate, Envy, Anger, Contempt. It is all the same, and designed to cheaply conscript people into whatever "the thing" is currently vogue.
The old days of sensible dialogue and pro-con weighing are but a childhood memory.
I agree that the MSM are purposefully fomenting contempt and fear.... maybe we should coin the phrase "contempt mongering"...
"I feel we will need to become graceful in our own lives, then to extend grace to as many of our fellow humans as possible, reserving judgement for the truly bad apples and evil ones, so we can feel the safety in the huge numbers we really have, against the very small numbers of sociopaths and psychopaths who want to control everything because they can feel nothing but contempt>"
Very insightful, Gary. Beautifully expressed. I completely agree. Here's to more grace for us all!💕
Great post, Gary!
I also recall reading somewhere that contempt is the emotional attitude which dooms interpersonal relationships. The writer maintained it was almost irretrieveable once a relationship drifts from love/tolerance/respect beyond the threshold of dislike/annoyance/frustration into the domain of outright disdain/contempt.
Contempt is reflective of an attitude where one no longer seeks to find common ground, one no longer attempts to understand, the will is is spent and partners are written off as beneath consideration. Bonds of trust and respect being thus severed, individuals become untethered from any shared vision of community and the relationship phase of uniting or sharing ends and parties enter separation, effectively 'othered'.
Unfortunately, hatred too often follows.
Yes, this is what I have read/heard about interpersonal relationships, and my own experience would attest to this to being correct..
Thank you!
Monetarily and with power too, sadly.
Yes agree for faeces, infections, dead bodies, etc. But I think it is a more of a mindset when directed at other humans, and is very cultural and malleable. My own relationship with contempt and disgust at other people has changed markedly as I have healed myself, and I can now feel how the hold it had on me made me sick.
I am not fully healed yet, there is still weaning myself of my body and brain relying parkinson's medications to go. But in most ways I am much better than I was even before diagnosis. Fundamentally through change, especially in attitude, as outlined in this post. The longer list of changes I made is here . The things which made the greatest difference was a fascia decompression self-care modality, combined with a talking a therapy with my therapist Lilian Sjoberg, also on substack. Details here
Sorry to hear this :-(
Yes I agree, I do single out the pathocracy in the post. In this case the disgust is well founded, and as you say, and I feel self-protective [that is the purpose as you say]. Those who abuse and exploit and sexualize children in particular, or condone it, I cannot forgive, and those who we have given the benefit of the doubt time and again, but continue to want to destroy, control and cause the rest of suffering need to be excluded from our society.