Great piece, Gary. I believe it is so important to articulate the unfolding of this nightmare that we feed with our collective and individual trauma responses. I love how you bridge these themes.

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Nov 19, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022Liked by Gary Sharpe

I actually like what Jon Rappoport says about this. To paraphrase:

"If the parasite class can create reality for me, then I can create my own."

And when a herd world reclaims individualism and imagination, God help the parasite class! Their destiny is to be ivermectined.

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Thank Gary, we just need to create the world we want by our daily actions. Lovely article. I'm struggling with waking others though, to this current and future hell scape. I've come to the conclusion that if you are trying to convince someone, you are wasting your time. I remember how I came round; it was after suggestion by a friend years ago about 9/11. I was interested, so did the rest for myself. What is nice though is when you meet someone and drop in a little seed to see if they take the bait, then you know that someone is on the journey already. These situations are wonderful because these people are sometimes feel isolated by their perception of the world and are desperate to talk about it. It happened to me the other day and I now have a new great friend, which makes up for the not so real friends that appear to be avoiding me now 🙃.

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"We direct our disdain, dissent, despite, derision, and contempt at them..."

Absolutely. And a double-dose of derision is advised. Mockery is practically demon-repellent, like garlic to vampires.

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Gary, the cultic nature of what you describe is harrowing. It is a culture that exchanges reality for a world of simulation. I call this, The Spectacle of the Real- https://edbrenegar.substack.com/p/the-spectacle-of-the-real. There is a pattern that I have identified that matches what you describe. It is simple. In the “simulation”, we are “seduced” by our human desires for whatever the simulation produces. This is the nature of pornography. It’s range goes beyond sex, to consumer products, politics, sports, celebrity cancellations, etc. There is no limit to simulation’s manipulative seduction of us. The promise is -name it- fulfillment, pleasure, liberation or any purpose that can easily be used to seduce us. The result is a “false consciousness” that makes us believe in the religious cult-like experience of the simulation. The ultimate goal of this sequence of simulation-seduction-false consciousness is “control” over all aspects of our lives. I go into detail of this “thing” in a series of articles on simulation - https://edbrenegar.substack.com/p/the-culture-of-simulation-series. The challenge for us is to not be trapped into thinking that we can fight this culture of simulation on its terms. Instead, we simply need to reclaim reality for our lives through direct experience and direct encounters with people.

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I have a bit of an advantage because .... my dad had aspergers and my mother is bipolar - between the two - I learned about systems , which is what autism is all about , and bifurcation , which is what bi polarism is . I myself , well , Bruce Lee -- be water young grasshopper ... but early on I realized that one must differentiate between what is the system and what is running through the system . You can have pure water running through lead pipes , and you can have sewer water running through copper pipes . Sounds so simple , right ? I did not send my children to the schooling system , caught hell for that and have four wonderfully functional adults to feel proud of . / There is no "Them" ... they are we , we are us . And Us is Me and You , The propoganda is a system , built to make believe that the schism is real , that there is no actual way to contradict the confusion , that it is out of your hands . It is not . In every single decision you make as to how to spend your day , you are building the world that you want to live in and leave behind for others . In my opinion , you are a great statesman for the newly ordered world - keep up the excellent work . We are making progress .

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This hits right at home with me. Practice radical self love and empathy for others and our negative thoughts will stop creating the monsters that devour us.

The “just desserts” line is so well crafted. Reminds me a preacher I knew that would say “Life isn’t just. Life just is.”

I’m starting to see a few Substackers starting to write more hopeful articles like this that focus on elevating consciousness over “doom porn”, “revenge”, “punishment”... It is so long awaited for and welcomed. Thank you, Gary.

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Gary Sharpe

Gary, this is so perceptive, and important--thank you. The only thing I would add--and I suppose also where I differ with your take on resistance and solutions--is that the assumption that we can counter this systemic awfulness through individual action is one of the main things that continues to pave the way for us being consumed in the way you describe. The system teaches us that it's all about individual action, when in fact it's only through organizing and collective action that we have any chance of turning this around--we can only resist and change systemic evil with action at the same scale, i.e. systemically. Or so I'd say...but it's not just me, this has been shown over and over in sociological and anthropological work. To take one example, we didn't get the 40 hour work week, weekends, and workplace safety regulations because individuals communicated or protested individually--it only happened through careful, planned, collective action at a scale that matched the scale of the "system."

That the fundamental truth of the need for organizing and collective actions is so little recognized these days is to my mind a testament to the power of the individualist propaganda we're endlessly fed.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Gary Sharpe

Thanks for your insightful and valuable articles Gary. Very much appreciated

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Thank you, Gary. It is, indeed, a rude awakening to the fact that our entire lives have been mapped out for us, beginning with (at least here in the States) medicalized birth and the birth certificate, by a bunch of pathetic, unintelligent, death-culty, psychopathic, creepy copy-cat clowns who know only to deceive, to steal, and to torture so that they may achieve and retain the fake "power" that they crave constantly.

Since it is our LIFE ESSENCE that they must vampire in order to exist here, they surely know full well that as each of us awakens to this repulsive fact, they are losing one after another source of life-force and are thus facing the reality of having to return to entropy once and for all.

And if "Earth resets" such as I have read about are real, then these wayward wizards must be the ones causing them so that they can continue to not have to pay their VERY LARGE karmic debts.

Stay strong and courageous, my friend, and please keep doing the work you do!💝🗡

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Yes, a Demonocracy, that one word sums it up best.


You wrote “We start with small acts of daily resistance and disobedience in our own lives, in our own hearts, in our own minds, and in our own bodies.”




My personal favorite cynic now is Diogenes, “Diogenes was a Greek philosopher best known for holding a lantern to the faces of the citizens of Athens claiming he was searching for an honest man.”


What if you are that man Gary? Remember, Diogenes needed to find only one true man, one honest man, not all men. The Encyclopedia Britannica claims he was never successful and that it was just a metaphor for his search for truth and virtue.


Or perhaps you are Diogenes. Searching for truth and virtue.

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How funny. Those were my exact thoughts on "The Economy" yesterday when I caught and heard a glimpse of PM Roland Rat talking about the state of it yesterday. I thought, how strange to be talking about it as if it, itself, was a thing that performed this way or that when in fact, it's simply the aggregate productivity of the whole country. In other words, anyone can go produce something that someone else wants at any time and if they create something useful, they will create economic value. Of course, this would be a lot easier (and more productive) if the Government just stayed completely out of the situation.

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Apr 16, 2023Liked by Gary Sharpe

May I toss in possibility of human cloning into the mix..oh but under the radar and out of public scrutiny..now where would be the ideal place for that to occur be? From a consumable. The technology is there, it is just a matter of neutralizing er... exterminating the host organic material so that the clone can grow and develop..similar in effect to a parasite.

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Very very good! Five stars! : ) Well written sir!

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Yes today cages are cages weather constructed of steel and concrete or from the fabric of the mind Like all experiences , both freedom and slavery are registered in the mind.Most of the young are being captured by the spectacle on the i phone that surrounds them on 24/7 world."Man's main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is'' ERICH FROMM .Money the parent of slaves.All the best and keep yourself to yourself

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I fully agree with both your vision - horrifying, but so accurate - and your proposed solutions. As we, individually, tap our own agency and reconnect to our sovereignty, we drop the victim shit and recognize we are already free. Yes, free in a prison system, but nonetheless, free. It's a claim, it's a fact, and it's freely available to all of us. Once it's owned and embodied, you will simply not go along; won't support the enslavers, won't spout the lies, won't live in that world. That can only expedite the enslavers end, IMO. We need to turn the whole thing on its head and put them in their ever smaller, ever less relevant place. Thanks for the post. Nice to find like-minds. Doom and gloom is unempowering - it's what "they" want. Fuck them.

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