How do the brains of those with PD differ? The substantia nigra is smaller.

Where does the substantia nigra live?

In our neuromelanin.

What builds melanin?

Dopamine - which is produced in the presence of balanced Sunlight.

Get out there, and see that Sun!

Thank you Gary for the mention.

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Jun 5Liked by Gary Sharpe

Glad to hear that you were able to reverse much of the dyskinesia you have experienced. Your information is valuable. Thanks for sharing your experiences and keen observations. The iron and titanium dioxide on the label. I've noticed this type of ingredient addition more often than years ago nowadays, in so many products. Good article! 👍

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Yes, I found out about the iron and titanium in the capsules a while back and always thought it was very odd, but when I recently found out that l-dopa binds with iron, it was a shocker!

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Jun 5Liked by Gary Sharpe

Reading through this, I get the picture that it is not the amount of L-Dopamine, but also the balance of co-factors - sometimes enough are there or sometimes not.

I seem to remember that there are iron loving bacteria, and bacteria that feed on metals/toxins - could that contribute?

Our body’s sole job is to survive in its environment.

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Yes, I guess the message "it's complicated". There are even fungal infections [common in PD] that eat L-Dopa!

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I remember watching that movie and wondering why on earth didn’t the healing hold. Now I get it. I’m so inspired by watching you approach PD holistically. It’s given me confidence to approach my healing holistically too. Hope all is well on your side of the globe, Gary. 🤗

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Its been a long road and a lot of research, putting together things the medical establishment has missed.. All good here at the moment, at least in my bubble Hope you are doing well too.

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I am. Quite well at the moment, thanks!

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Very interesting research; I have read a few of Dr..Sacks' books and saw the movie, Awakenings, I think it was at least 30 years ago. I hope that you are doing well.

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You quoted: "This is especially relevant to folks with a Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s diagnosis, whose brains show excess levels of iron."

I am a frequent blood donor, 45 pints so far, and one of the reasons is to remove excess iron from my blood and my organs. They tell me that each pint donated also saves three lives so...


I am not an MD but during my research on PubMed.org relating to dementia, Alzheimer's and vascular dementia, excess iron is a frequently mentioned diagnostic tool.


Not everyone can donate blood and only 3% of the population actually does so it would be a useful therapy to consider for anyone looking at non-traditional methods.


Not everyone can afford $56,000 per year https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8900580/

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Yes, there is some evidence that women are slightly protected from PD, prior to menopause, but not post, indicated that losing blood each month may have some protective effect.

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I know a wealthy man who pays a nurse to come to his house every week to drain some blood, 2 oz. For medical reasons he cannot donate to the Red Cross. Vitamins, minerals, diet, exercise, don't drink, smoke do drugs etc... All environmental activities that can be avoided.

My family tree is full of people who live to be near 100 and a few who lived longer but most of that group developed some from of dementia at the end.

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