Maybe this is why some individuals had symptoms of "Covid 19" in early 2020 and others did not. Perhaps not only was this "virus" different in different parts of the world but people's bodies dealt with it differently, depending on their gut's micro biology, for instance.

Speculation, on my part but it makes more sense than a deadly, infectious virus raging across the world. This was a military type opeartion after all!

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Yes, Clare Craig did an episode on this with John Campbell recently - only about 15% of a population is usually susceptible to any given viral disease. Also, those who succumbed to the chronic fear mongering were more prone... https://garysharpe.substack.com/p/chronic-stressfear-increases-susceptibility

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what does "...controlling the population..." mean exactly?

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indeed. being curious, wanting to understand some of the background of the story 'they' tried to feed us in early 2020 also helped: a mental alertness, if not awareness that, fortunately, most of us will teach our children, perhaps it plays an important part in strengthening our immunesystem.

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Excellent article and very timely reminder to review our buckets and their management. Thank you Gary.

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A question, Gary. You've written how you have been, ever more, reversing your symptoms. I would love a piece on "cumulative impacts" of all you have been doing as toxic stuff is taken away and also as nourishing stuff is added. In fact, have you kept a log? Then I'm wondering: at some point, do you come to a place where the situation is stable, but you are no longer reversing symptoms - or is it just that you need another nourishing element and you move further? In other words, like here you put together outer stressors, I would love an exploration of the journey of removing these stressors and adding nourishing elements.

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Good points. Yes I have kept of a log of sorts, mainly articles that I have written along the way - I also did a video diary of sorts on youtube for the first few years. There is also a "my story" section of the Community area of the hopeshortcut website, in lieu of a book, on my own personal journey. Where I am at now is relying on two most impactul interventions I have found, therapy with Lilian, and Block Therapy - a self-care fascia decompression technique - which swamp everything else in terms of benefits [while still needing to optimize sleep, diet, exposure to nasties, etc]. These are having a cumulative effect, of reversing symptoms slowly, and allowing less drugs at the same time, with no end in sight in the recovery.

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I just checked out Block Therapy.... imo THE MELT METHOD Would be much more acceptable as a fascia decompression technique... I am a kinesiologist ... the Block looks brutal to me could cause bruising if not used correctly... I’m not saying it is bad but the Melt Roller could never hurt one the block misused could hurt 😔

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Here is a conversation between the inventors of the MELT method and Block Therapy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0Ylsj9fjqw

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Fabulous that you have written of your personal recovery process in various places. I would still love one (preferably Substack) place to go to, to read your ongoing journey - beginning to now. Anyway, I very much appreciate your writings.

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Maybe if I were ever to switch on paid subscriptions, this could be part of the benefits? ps here is my youtube channel which records my early progress... https://www.youtube.com/@Outthinkingparkinsons

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Just watched the video from 4 months ago, of you dancing, deliberately freezing and unfreezing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dst4ENwhCyg Amazing - especially as there is a much earlier video (not yet watched) of you relearning how to walk. I think of all the suffering of people with Parkinson's - AVOIDABLE and REVERSIBLE!! Congratulations on all you are doing!!

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Thank you!

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thank you! most impirtant concept for kids as well.

btw, pls consider adding EMF radiation, incomplete mouth hygiene and spiritual dependence.

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Two comments on EMF already, I will add. Mouth hygiene - can add this to the microbiome heading?

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sorry im outside working didnt see the comments. Sure microbiome is a fine heading, since bacterial mouth infestations are big issue, together with mecury amalgam.

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I think you are giving are far lower rating to environmental toxins than they deserve. You could do everything right personally and STILL get sick if you live on a blind spring. And that's just one insult to the human body.

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As noted they are not in any particular order, and eeveryone will have their own priorities. Yes, I agree the [only] solution to many of these if your barrel is already overflowing is getting the heck out of there - if you can't remove the toxic from yourself, remove yourself from the source if at all possible.

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I was just talking to a friend today about this exact concept. I use the Jenga puzzle analogy though. All those insults and injury to our mind-body make up are like pieces getting pulled out. When the last piece gets pulled out, the whole system collapses. And it takes a tremendous amount of effort to then put it all back together. You have to put every piece back in place, including the ones that hadn't been part of the problem before.

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That is a great metaphor - if I now recall I think I've heard you say it before - and yes other things get broken in the process!

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I like it better because an overflowing barrel implies that you simply have to stop it from overflowing to feel normal again. In my experience you basically have to get the barrel empty.

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This is exactly how I have been thinking about my condition. Thank you Gary. I think we need thousands if not millions of Lillians to bring humanity's barrel back to a tolerable level. Our barrels also fill up with our ways of interpreting the events of the day. And of course those ways are also taught to us generation after generation. Epigenetics is a HUGE part of all this. Especially with regards to the types of systems and social structures we have built and continue to perpetuate. The way I see it, we are collectively in a very slow, yet speeding up exponentially and spreading ... suicide.

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A lovely idea to turn this into another informative movie, Gary! My plate is pretty full at the moment but I will add this to my project list. I think it’s a great idea!

I don’t know if this goes into the stress bucket, but I do think there’s an underlined rampant meaninglessness anxiety. What I mean is that even people whose cups are both mentally and physically full, can suffer from a lack of purpose in their lives. I don’t think they even know how to put their finger on it. It’s so subtle because they’ve done what society’s feedback loop is telling them they have done all right in, but their body knows they’re just meandering without knowing who they really are and what they really are here, in this life form, to do. This might ease into spiritual waters, but I’m not sure if I have a better way to describe it. A person moving through life without and purpose inanely known something is wrong and I think their body reacts to that.

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Thanks - I know you are busy, so thanks for adding it! Yes! Lack of meaning and purpose - will definitely add this - it is one of the anti-dotes in our other movie!!!

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I’d like to add that most people thought their time on this earth is helping others. Being a waitress, a manager in an oil field, or what about the technicians setting up the 5G towers. Most had purpose to look back on and say , “ hey, I really helped make that!” Now feel their time here was wasted, just part of a game, they only followed bigger dumber sheep.

People don’t know they are positive beings that create life and purpose. Purpose IS the key though. But we have to leave conformity of purpose and create our own. Walking helps develop self purpose.

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Also it turns out my stress is living with people who don’t want to know anything. Reading every day and trying to figure a way to keep them alive despite themselves. Every day there is something I try to get them to feed the grandchild who still has a cough.

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Helping people who reject our help or don't want saving is definietly stressful!

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It’s interesting when watching sports or old reruns. The commercials or ads for movies are very horrific. Pet Semarang, the arctic one where everyone dies one by one, the violent cop shows with murder. It’s all negative now.

Talk about fearmongering.

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Avoiding the news, horror movies, thrillers, and soaps is one of recommended "antidotes"....

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Yeah. But hubby is retired now and I watch sports with him. We’ve learned to mute the commercials. Before he retired I didn’t watch tv. I think I’ll just stick to outdoor sports like golf and read and walk more. And try to do something about the 5G for my grand daughter.

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There are exceptions.

A few of us thrive on stresses and obstacles. Each one encountered adds to our resiliance. Moreover, each adds to our arsenal or weapons. We actually gain in health and strength, regardless of age. I have a name for the profile of such people. 'Compulsive crusader syndrome'. These differ entirely from those who suffer from 'Messiah complex', victims often committing suicide when the realization sinks in that their omnipotence will never be recognised.

To the former profile, recognition would be nice, but they eventually recognise that history will recognise some imposter, plaigeriser or politician; and this does not unduly bother them. It is what it is, they conclude.

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Wow, Gary, this gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "It's on my Bucket List"!😵‍💫 Here are my two contributions to the list:

- the constant stress of being tied to unhealthy financial (i.e., money) and other economic systems

- sociocultural lies such as germ theory

- subconscious knowledge that we are slaves to an anti-Life system

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As always Gary - another superbly insightful and practical article. Thank you.

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Another stressor that we tend not to notice in modern times is "temperature". Generally we live in well controlled thermal comfort. I'd highly recommend reading "The Comfort Crisis" by Michael Easter. We overlook the value of embracing discomfort. Intentional stress can have benefits.

Also I have to put in a mention of meditation as extremely valuable. Sleep is awesome and vital. Adding a mediation break into your day can work wonders!

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i agree, I would include meditation under "non sleep deep rest"[a term invented by Prof uberman] but will make it explicit as Ii guess most won't be familiar with the term. Yes on temperature, and air presssure, and humitidity, and weather generally can all impact.

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Yes, "non sleep deep rest" sounds like it would include meditation.

If you are interested in my article / review of "The Comfort Crisis" the direct link to my article is: https://mithel.substack.com/p/comfort-crisis

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great article. somehow we all learn, for better or worse, to deal with the toxic barrel in our own way. maybe this song, 'The Barrel' by Aldous Harding can bring some good vibes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyZeJr5ppm8

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How does one relax in a hot bath of 5G?

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I rely on Roman's substack https://romanshapoval.substack.com for information on reducing the fill of the "EMF" bucket - but I will add it to the list.

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I sleep grounded, and all my internet is wired. I feel sorry for folks in aparments, as I believe they will be the canaries in the microwave. https://jackkruse.com/emf-5-what-are-the-biologic-effects-of-emf/

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Grounding ("Earthing") is awesome. At times it can be challenging to find good grounding sheets to buy and then there are the challenges of how to properly wash them. I wrote a substack article on Earthing at the end of November.

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I ground with conductive pads (TENS). https://tensmachineuk.com/tens-electrodes

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