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My Interview on the Healing Conversations Podcast

"Discover the Hidden Connection: Parkinson's Recovery and Mammal Nature"
Cross-post from The HOPE shortcut
Latest from my colleague and therapist Lilian, a link to a free webinar, more about her background story and how she came to her understandings about chronic illnesses, and a video of the first client she treated to reduce his tremors…. -
Content in this post:
  1. A small ad for my upcoming free webinar

  2. transcription of the video

  3. A video with my first test client, that gave me an enormous insight into Parkinson’s Disease and helped me see the clear link to stress.
    See how he learned to control his symptoms

Video above

This is the introductory part of my recent interview with Einav Avni of Untangled Healing on her “Healing Conversation for Anything Chronic” podcast. Here, I cover my background story of how I started with HOPE-shortcut. Edited transcript is below.

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For people who want to become better and are ready to invest time (It is for all people with symptoms…or stress. Parkinson’s is one in many diagnoses that is so stress-related that it makes more sense to manage the stress

Link to sign up for the webinar the 2. of May: (Please share to people in need)

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Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of Healing Conversations. My name is Einav Avni and I am an energy healer and alignment coach. I mainly work with people suffering from chronic pain, chronic illness, or unexplained medical conditions. In this podcast, Healing Conversations for Anything Chronic really wants to bring the message and awareness that we can heal ourselves naturally.

So, without further ado, let me welcome our guest today, Lillian. We are talking about Parkinson's and I'm really curious to hear more about it. But first of all, more about you.


There's a lot I can start the story, a lot of different places, but I have for eight years, I've been studying Parkinson's and how people can become better from that. That's made me some sort of expert in regards to alternative healing of Parkinson's.

I do the twist here that instead of having the focus of the diagnosis, because that's sort of a stigma, that it's progressive.
I simply keep it the other way around and say, let's talk about the stress and see where it brings you to lower the stress.

By taking that perspective, to talk about stress, people slowly become better and better. And because my education is as a biologist, a long time before I took the education as a coach and therapist, I take a very biological perspective. So I'm looking at our cousins, mammals, to get an understanding of what stress is.


This is amazing, actually. Just to hear everything you just shared, looking at stress as the root cause of what is causing conditions like Parkinson's. I also, of course, believe that it's stress is also the root cause of a lot of other chronic conditions.

Tell me, before we get there, I want to know a little bit more about what made you interested in that topic. What brought you there?


Ah, that's a little long and maybe a little different story because when I was 30, my husband got cancer, Hodgkin's lymphoma, and we were told that it was primarily young men with a high level of education that got that form of cancer. Being a scientist, and he was a scientist in a university environment, that really kicked something in my brain.

What - isn't it just genetic? Isn't it just random we get this? Can you think yourself into a cancer disease? That really started it.

Many years later, I heard a similar story with a man who has sclerosis and helped himself out of the wheelchair again… wait, shouldn't these diseases be chronic forever? You just could only get worse and worse? So again, I got a crack in the old beliefs about how health and diseases work.

A lot of random things happened, but I ended up making a small, can we call private, study which I as new coach and therapist. I took four people with each chronic disease and and gave them five long sessions each with what I could because I became so curious about these things, and I was so amazed at what I could do with a new coach education.

Not to heal them, but to take on a small, a little symptom, a small thing, and I could always settle down that symptom, not forever, but for five minutes, 10 minutes, two hours, or a whole day. So I kept the scientific mindset and said there's something wrong with our current belief about how this works. There's something else going on because I was a stress coach.

So I started to use the next three years, I spent five hours a day digging into YouTube, digging into studies, digging into Google, finding everything. I thought I could find other coaches doing their things with chronic diseases, but I didn't find them. They probably were there, out there.

But what I found was a lot of survivor stories from people with serious conditions, illnesses like Parkinson's that became better or even healed and had no symptoms.

Then I continued building upon the theory and found out that if we take on board stress, if we take on board our nature as mammals - then things started to make sense.


Amazing. So you're coming to it now, after your research, you want to look at stress. So you have a person and then you say, okay, first thing, let's look at the stress in your life.

Before I get there, actually, I want to know what made you focus mainly on Parkinson's?


It was a little random because of these four guys, the one that I continued with two of them, one a woman with burning mouth syndrome that I actually managed to help her out of, and the other, the man with Parkinson's, he was living in the same city as me, so it was easy to continue with him.

I found it was amazing because it was a very visible symptom he had. So when we started, maybe his tremor was like this (big tremors).
You can find him if you search on my YouTube and some of my earlier YouTube videos. And after the session, he was calm. And maybe he was called in five minutes and then he started again. I could ask, what's going on now? I could immediately see what was going on. So I learned a lot about what people with Parkinson's think that makes them have more stress and more tremors.


And what is that? I'm really curious.


It's often something that's not... here (next to them), they are not thinking about the person next to them or the room, they are thinking about something tonight, something on the job tomorrow, something they cannot see, hear and touch.


So they are not in the present moment?


So as soon as they go into another moment, the future moment often, it can also be regrets from yesterday, but as soon as they are not in the present moment, then maybe the fear of what will my manager say because I have this big pile of tasks. What is the worst thing that can happen tomorrow? So there's a lot of fear of what might happen. Fear of the future. It's a big one. It was just smart to learn from people with Parkinson's because I could so easily see what was going on. Or I could ask as soon we have settled the tremor and then it starts again, I could ask what's going on now.

Oh, I'm thinking about my job tomorrow.” Okay. So I learned so much because it was this visible symptom. In other diagnoses, it can be a migraine, but the person in front of you cannot see the symptoms immediately. You are dependent on what the person is telling you. So I learned a lot.


Here is a link to a video with the first person I helped (the picture below).
It is amazing to see his realizations in how to control his tremor

The HOPE shortcut
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A structured way to normal health for you with chronic diseases (Parkinsons)
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Lilian Sjøberg