New Book with a More Hopeful Message About Parkinson's
"Interviews with People with Parkinson's: The Shortcut to Hope and Healing"
My therapist, and fellow substacker,
of , who has personally helped me enormously to progressively reduce both my symptoms and my drug burden, is close to publishing her new book "Interviews with People with Parkinson's: The Shortcut to Hope and Healing".To mark the upcoming publication of this book [waiting for approval on amazon], she is also making it available now as an "e-book" via the courses part of her website for those who can't wait [this is also a supportive way to buy it, as then Lilian gets all proceeds].
While waiting on a Kindle format here is a course format e-book
About the book:
“Parkinson’s is traditionally diagnosed as a disease that only gets worse over time. This book challenges that view.
Interviews of people with a Parkinson’s diagnosis from around the world reveal that it does not have to be this way. Instead, hope and self-reflection can be part of the solution to a better life. People can recover or improve, not via quick fixes or miracles, but with supporting psychotherapy and an understanding of why the body, due to chronic stress or trauma, has ended up reacting the way it does.
People from many different countries talk about their lives and experiences before and after diagnosis, whether or not they decided to take medication, and how conversations with Danish online therapist and biologist Lilian Sjøberg have given them not only hope but also noticeable improvements in quality of life and reduction in symptoms for a disease that is otherwise considered chronic and incurable. The commonality is that all cases seem to have arisen from a form of chronic stress or early trauma, and when this is addressed, hope and improvements are found.
The interview format allows the reader to draw their own conclusions along the way as the interviewees describe their journey of getting better, and also inspires readers without chronic illness to think about the relationship between mind and body. Finally, it gently prompts Western medicine to look at the human being with a broader, more holistic perspective than in the past."
Fabulous that this book is out. We resonate with personal stories. They give hope in a way that statistics can't.
Extremely helpful for anyone with any chronic disease!