Control the Abundance, Control the World
The Global Agenda of Artificial Scarcity, Manufactured Crises, and Rationing
When they - the people who are into planning how the world should be, the people who are into controlling everyone and everything, the neo-feudalists, technocrats, and transhumanists - those who have the wealth and the power to enforce the changes they want to see in the world - keep telling us precisely what they are intending for us and for the world, and how they are going to achieve it, I think it is probably best that we believe them!
Yesterday, an article in the Times once again revealed what they have in store for us, but much more openly than usual. Essentially, and very explicitly, they want to bring in rationing of food, clothes, travel, flights, energy, car ownership (sounds just like Soviet Russia to me).
The authors of the report lament that people won't accept rationing when there is an obvious abundance of everything in the world. So they propose to artificially create scarcity. In the example of energy, the paper notes that people may “not accept rationing when there is an abundance of resources available", so the importing of fossil fuels should be “banned or restricted” in certain areas. This would create a scarcity of fossil fuels, with rationing then introduced to “manage the scarcity”, they explain.
of provides a more detailed analysis of this report:Why on Earth are they wanting to do this to us? The claim is that is all in the service of preventing apocalyptic climate crisis, but I feel it should be very clear by now that this is backwards: they are creating and exaggerating crises to justify and engineer their agenda. I hope that enough of us are awake to fact that this is a vision of the world, in which most of us are poor and have scarce resources, that they really want to see come to pass, that this is their very mindset, philosophy and ideology.
So I hope that one outcome of this report by the Times is to make it abundantly obvious now that they are creating these extreme fear factors and disaster narratives, precisely as a means for manipulating the population into compliance and accepting the loss of our human rights, in the very same way that they are into creating artificial scarcity to manipulate us into accepting rationing, and poverty.
Again, I think when they keep explicitly laying out their agendas and their strategies, we should probably believe them!
So folks in the UK should not be surprised to be waking up to the news this morning that some fruit and vegetables are to be... rationed... yes, this is the word being used in the media, just a day after the Times revealed that rationing is exactly what they want for us. The supermarkets are now rationing fruits and vegetables, and no-one knows how long this will go on for.
The stated reason for this food scarcity? "Poor weather in Spain and Africa, and supply chain issues". Climate change again! Of course, nothing to do with the forced removal of farmers from their land, pioneered in the Netherlands, or banning of fertilizer due to "green house gases", and other such anti-food/farming agendas which have been happening all over the word.
Even if you still don't believe there is an agenda at play, in my view, if you are in the UK, you should still probably be up in arms about this, because the government and the elected leaders are precisely the people responsible for the county’s food security, which they have clearly abjectly failed at. So we should still be holding them accountable, and make them responsible, for any scarcity our country has to endure in an abundant world.
Another thing the neo-feudalist types are explicit about is that they are planning to ration cash. See the news from Nigeria, for example, where people are rioting and protesting the rationing of cash, which is being done in order to force the population to move over to the new cashless society of the Nigerian central bank digital coupon. Note again, the media are again deliberately using the word “scarcity” in their reporting of this.
One last, but perhaps most important, thought on this, which I feel a lot of folk would probably otherwise miss. The main impact of these artificial scarcity agendas is screwing with people’s mindsets. In human performance, self-improvement, coaching, and human flourishing circles, the concept of the profound differences between a growth or abundance mindset and a scarcity mindset is very often discussed. Growth mindset is a positive one, conducive to health and wellness, to human kindness, generosity, and flourishing. Scarcity mindset is a negative one, destructive to health and well-being, and connected to suffering, being stuck in chronic stress, and seeing enemies everywhere.
So, in my view, the most insidious aim of the artificial scarcity agenda described above is precisely the installation of a scarcity mindset in to as many people as possible, who will then be easy to control, and to keep at each others’ throats. I will discuss the profound impacts of mindsets and beliefs more in my next post which will be about placebo, nocebo, and other “expectation effects”.
Fully agree with your insights, Gary. A 'scarcity' mindset also makes the majority of people instantly selfish as they perceive themselves in a survival situation. With less out there, there is obviously less to share. A deepening of the ongoing divides - they work so hard at sustaining - occurs.
Why do you think I started Bush Food Forager? You can't ration nature if you know what's out there to eat!